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Is it a measuring cup

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Q: What is a yield cup?
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About 1 cup. Generally the ratio for grains and beans is approximately 2 to 1.

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The amount of chapatti made from a cup of atta flour depends on their size. However, if they are around average size, one cup can yield about 6 chapatis.

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each tree yield approximately a half a cup of latex a day.

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On average, one medium-sized orange can yield about 1/2 cup of juice.

How much juice can be extracted from two lemons?

On average, two lemons can yield about 1/2 to 2/3 cup of juice.

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Carrots do not swell or shrink when cooked. So 1 cup of raw carrot is the same as 1 cup cooked carrot.

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A one pound bag of flaxseed will yield about 2.5 cups. One cup of flaxseed has 883 calories, 70 grams of fat, and 48 grams of carbohydrate.

HOW TO calculate percentage yield?

actual yield multiply by 100 = % yield theoretical yield

What is the percent yield of 122 grams of product?

If this is the actual yield, real amount produced, then you need the theoretical yield to find the percent yield. % yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100

What is the yield of 1 cup uncooked rice?

god knows ask someone else blood its me man