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Benedicts solution comprises of solution A(copper sulphate) and solution B(sodium pottasium citrate).chemically it is used as a test for aldehydes or generally carbonyl group.It is used to measure the sugar(allose,glucose,mannose,gullose,indose,galactose,tallose)content in food.-santa

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Q: What does the Benedict's test measure?
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Which is more sensitive test fehlings test or Benedicts test?

Benedict's test is more sensitive than Fehling's test for detecting reducing sugars in a sample. Benedict's reagent has a lower detection threshold and is known to give more accurate results compared to Fehling's reagent.

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why should you add 8 drops of urine in the Benedicts test

What does a negative Benedicts test indicate?

A negative Benedict's test would indicate that there isn't any presence of reducing sugars in that particular substance.

Do eggs test positive in benedicts test?

Yes, eggs can test positive in the Benedict's test because they contain glucose, which is a reducing sugar that reacts with the reagent in the test to form a colored precipitate.

Would sucrose test positive or negative with benedicts reagent?

No, surcose is a disaccharide without a hemiacetal group

Why is sodium carbonate added to solution before Benedicts test is performed?

Sodium carbonate is added to increase the pH of the solution.

What is the stain solution when chemical is test for sugar?

It is normally benedicts solution. Add about 1/4 of the total sugar solution to a test tube and heat it in a hot water bath at around 50 degrees C for 5 min. For example, heat 40mL of sugar water (C12H22O11 aq ) with 10mL of Benedicts soluton (copper and sodium salts). If it is a positive test it will turn yellow.

Who sells Benedect test solution?

Most chemical supply companies sell it. You can do an internet search for "retail sale of Benedicts solution".

Which indicator would most likely yield a positive test by way of a color change in the water-cookie solution?

Benedicts solution

When did Sarah Bosmans-Benedicts die?

Sarah Bosmans-Benedicts died in 1949.