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A negative Benedict's test would indicate that there isn't any presence of reducing sugars in that particular substance.

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Q: What does a negative Benedicts test indicate?
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Related questions

What is a good conclusion of the benedicts test?

A good conclusion of the Benedict's test would be to state whether the test result was positive or negative for reducing sugars. Positive result would indicate the presence of reducing sugars, while a negative result would suggest their absence. This information can be important for further analysis or identification of certain carbohydrates.

Would sucrose test positive or negative with benedicts reagent?

No, surcose is a disaccharide without a hemiacetal group

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Yes, a negative pregnancy test result typically indicates that you are not pregnant at the time of the test.

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prosrdure of benidect solution test

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It depends on what that pregnancy test uses to indicate pregnancy. Read the directions carefully to see what they use to indicate a positive or negative pregnancy test.

Which is more sensitive test fehlings test or Benedicts test?

Benedict's test is more sensitive than Fehling's test for detecting reducing sugars in a sample. Benedict's reagent has a lower detection threshold and is known to give more accurate results compared to Fehling's reagent.

What are the Benedicts test results for glucose?

Benedict's test is a simple chemical test used to detect the presence of reducing sugars like glucose in a solution. The test result is positive if a brick-red precipitate forms, indicating the presence of reducing sugars. If the solution remains blue, it indicates a negative result.

Is it possible for a negative pregnancy test result to indicate that a woman is not pregnant?

Yes, a negative pregnancy test result can indicate that a woman is not pregnant, as the test detects the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is produced during pregnancy. If hCG is not present in the woman's body, it suggests that she is not pregnant.

Why should you add 8 drops of urine in the Benedict test?

why should you add 8 drops of urine in the Benedicts test

Do eggs test positive in benedicts test?

Yes, eggs can test positive in the Benedict's test because they contain glucose, which is a reducing sugar that reacts with the reagent in the test to form a colored precipitate.