It is easier to learn the flute first because of scales and learning how to play correctly, and once you learn flute, piccolo is exactly the same except it's just a octave higher. It also has tinier keys and takes some getting used to. hope that helps
the flute
This depends on the player. Some will find one easier than the other. Some find them equally challenging.Flute music is usually easier to read, however; because the flute can only play one note at a time. Piano, of course, can play many notes at a time.Well, it really does depend on the player and on which kind of music they like better. Let's say that the flute and the piano are equally challenging, but I like to play the flute. And let's say that I play the piano...I would obviously think that it was hard. However, if i was playing the flute, i would probably think that it was fun and easy.The advantage is that if you already knew how to play the piano, and you want to learn how to play the flute, it'll be really easy because you already know all the notes! Good luck, everyone!
Look it up on google type in inuyasha music "flute" (i play flute too)
Flutes and piccolos are more than similar. They are both a part of the flute family. Think of the piccolo as a tiny flute replica (or a baby flute). The piccolo is made smaller than the the average concert flute so that the player can achieve higher notes with much more ease, comfort, and reliable tuning. This means that the piccolo can play some high notes that the concert flute can not play but the concert flute can play some lower notes that the piccolo can not play.
The equipment needed to play a flute is just the flute itself, and you hands, mouth and lungs. A chair and a music stand are nice, but not required.The important thing it to learn how to play the flute, and that usually requires a teacher, who is not a piece of equipment, but a person.
You Might want to look for some created website.
You have to have a flute and some basic knowledge on how to read and play the notes from a score, first. Printable sheet music here:
There are many members of the flute family. Here are three:1. The concert flute-the flute you would normally play on in band, etc2.The piccolo- practicaly a mini flute with some changes.3.The alto flute- a flute that curves at the mouth piece and is tuned a 4th lower than the concert flutePiccolo, flute, alto flute, and bass flute
In a band or woodwind ensemble, flute 1 and flute 2 are simply parts you play. Typically flute one will have more parts, or higher notes. Flute 2 will have less parts, or lower notes. THey have these so there's some harmony in the piece you are playing.
in your home town there should be a snorlax
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