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There are many members of the Flute family. Here are three:

1. The concert flute-the flute you would normally play on in band, etc

2.The piccolo- practicaly a mini flute with some changes.

3.The alto flute- a flute that curves at the mouth piece and is tuned a 4th lower than the concert flute
Piccolo, flute, alto flute, and bass flute

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Q: What are the members of the flute family?
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What are the three members the flute family?

The Flute family has about eleven members. Three members are: Piccolo, Treble flute, and Bass Flute.

What are the three members o the flute family?

The flute family has about eleven members. Three members are: Piccolo, Treble flute, and Bass Flute.

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Oboe, bassoon, clarinet, flute, and saxophone. Each one is a family unto itself.

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We only know of one hobby by a member of Cleopatra's family, and that was the hobby of her father, Ptolemy XII. He liked to play the flute. His nickname was Auletus, which means "flute player".

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piano and drums, they are both percussion. flute is woodwind, violin is strings, trumpet is brass.

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no the recorder is in the flute family

What family does flutes belong too?

The flute belongs to the flute family.

What is the little sister or brother of the flute called?

There are twelve members of the western flute family, smallest first. Piccolo, treble flute, Soprano, Concert, Flute d'amour, Alto, Bass. Contra alto, Contrabass, Subcontrabass, Double contrabass and Hyperbass flutes

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the Flute

Is a flute brass?

The flute is part of the woodwind family.

What is the smallest instrument in the flute family?

it would be piccolo if it is considered in the flute family.

How do you catch Arceus using a members card?

you dont need a members card for Arceus, you need an azure flute. the azure flute is not obtainable legallyy. there are action replay codes for it. and the members card is for Darkrai instead.