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Salts and sugars work to preserve foods by creating bonds. These bonds prevent bacteria from entering the food cells and breaking them down.

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Q: Salts and sugars work to preserve foods by creating what?
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Salts and sugars work to preserve foods by creating a?

hypertonic enviorment

Salt and sugars preserve foods because they?

reduce water activity.

What are the uses of evaporation salts?

to preserve foods, dye fabric, and de-ice roads

What are the functions of mineral salts in food?

There are many different functions of inorganic salts. Inorganic salts are used to preserve foods and dry out liquid substances for example.

What builds strong muscles?

Plenty of excersise and eating the rite foods lifting weights and not eating sugars and sodium {salts}

Why does bacteria prefer proteins to fats sugars and salts?

Because the bacteria can multiply 3x as fast compared to other foods.

How can osmotic pressure be used to preserve foods?

High concentrations of salts and sugars creates a hypertonic environment which draws water out of the microbial cell. This loss of water inhibits cell function and causes the cell to die. The lack of water also prevents microbes from growing, which is why food is preserved.

What food is in the group of mineral salts?

Mineral salts are not foods.

Does water preserve foods?

On meat, salt can preserve food.

Looking for a low cholesterol cook book?

To maintain a heart healthy diet, you must not only avoid foods that are high in cholesterol, but also avoid excess sugars, salts, and saturated fats.

What foods contain large amounts of sugars and starches?

Sugars or Potatoes

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