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No. It is poisonous. Do not eat it.

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Q: Is formaldehyde used as food preservation?
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What are common additives and preservation used in food preservation?

additvisand preservatives used food preparation

What was used to preserve the body?

The main ingredient in embalming fluid, used for body preservation, is formaldehyde. Methanol and several other solvents are ingredients in embalming fluid.

What is the function of food preservation used in food?

to maintain the naturalty of a food

How are alkali's used in food preservation?

Some methods of food preservation are acidic, like pickling foods and chemicals like benzoic acid are used to keep food fresh.

Is there formaldehyde in skim milk'?

No. Formaldehyde is a chemical used to preserve tissues and should NEVER be consumed. Thus, it is not put into skim milk or any food or beverage.

What is dehydration as used in food preservation?

Dehydration is removing water from food- drying it.

Is there formaldehyde in food?

No .. but it is in Cigarettes

Where in the world is food preservation being used the most?

Every culture in the world uses some type of food preservation. Types of food preservation include: freezing, dehydrating, curing, smoking, fermenting, and canning. It is not possible to estimate where these methods are being used the most.

What are the concepts of food preservation?

food preservation is a preserved food

What do you use halite for?

Used in human and animal diet, food seasoning and food preservation.

Do you use Halite for?

Used in human and animal diet, food seasoning and food preservation.

What are some methods of preservation?

Food preservation involves preventing bacteria growth using methods that include freezing. Canning, pickling, dry salting, fermenting, and drying are other methods of preservation used for food items.