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Restaurant businesses can be complicated. You need to have a plan for what all employees must do, how the food will get prepared on time, customer service, and if something goes wrong.

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Q: In managing the business of a restaurant what are some decision that must be made in the areas of strategic planning managerial control operational control?
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Compare operational planning and strategic planning?

Strategic plans focus on advancing the business in its mission. It is what guides the business through its decisions and priorities. Operational plans focus on daily execution of the day to day functions. Often considered the business as usual stuff.

What do tactical strategic and operational plan have in common?

all of them are plans to achieve the business goal.

Explain the differences between strategic planning and operational planning?

Strategic planning is deciding what a company will do. Operational planiing is deciding how that will be done. For example, Kodak made a strategic decision to enter the digital photography business when the tradition film market began to deteriorate. They decided what products offered opportunities in that industry. Then, they had to formulate an operational plan - product development, manufacturing process and location, etc. The operational plan will also include some strategic planning. For example, the Marketing department had to decide how to best position the products in the marketplace (and which markets or locations) and then plan how to design the marketing materials.

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The three classes of information systems are operational systems, managerial systems, and strategic systems. Operational systems are used to support daily business operations, managerial systems aid in decision-making and planning at the managerial level, and strategic systems help top executives make long-term strategic decisions for the organization.

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Strategic Control isn't very different but on some points like movements of the, it is implemented in order to identify the areas of issue or potential areas of the issue so that necessary adjustments can be made. A subset of management control whose aim is to regularly monitor and check routine business operations. At this point a good strategic and operational partner is important. Our market & industry expertise is built around a broad & loyal customer base. We know the Norwegian market & can provide support throughout the whole process and be your strategic and operational partner before, during, and after the establishment.

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Differences between strategic and operations management?

operational management involves day to day management of the organisation while strategic management involves the overall management of an organisation which includes making a decision that affect the business over a long time.

What has the author Bertrand Collomb written?

Bertrand Collomb has written: 'Plaidoyer pour l'entreprise' -- subject(s): Business enterprises, Industrial management, Managerial economics, Industrial organization, Strategic planning

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Do you think the application of these principles in the managerial activities of the business organization successfull