16 quarts
a bushel
32 dry quarts per bushel.
1 bushel is equal to 4 pecks or 32 quarts.
Just over 37 quarts to a bushel.
six --OR-- If you are talking about a strictly volumetric conversion, there are 32 quarts in a bushel. This would be the case if you had one bushel of dried, shelled field corn, for example.
32 dry quarts1 bushel = 64 pints = 32 quarts
It depends on how big the apples are
One bushel of apples weighs about 42 lbs.
A bushel is a unit of volume equivalent to 4 pecks or 32 quarts. Therefore, a bushel of green boiled peanuts would be equal to 32 quarts.
Average is 126 apples. Depends on size.
1 US dry bushel = 32 US dry quarts