The number of calories depends upon the type/s of meat contained and special processing by the manufacturer (ex. those labeled as "low-fat"). In general, one pork and beef frankfurter will contain 137 calories to 12578
There are no dogs in Hot Dogs.
Hot dogs can be made from beef, pork, chicken or turkey. The term 'hot dog' is a style of preparation that encases the meat mixture within a thin, edible shell.
There would be 10 1/8 pounds.
On average, one hot dog bun weighs about 1 ounce. Therefore, 8 hot dog buns would weigh around 8 ounces or half a pound.
Depends which brand, generally around 2-3 ounces
Multiply the pounds by 16, to get ounces. 1264 ounces
Usually 14 ounces in a pack of hot dogs
In the United States, most packages of hot dogs weigh 16 ounces. This includes most packages of Ball Park Hot Dogs, Bar S Franks, and Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs. In contrast, a package of Hebrew National Kosher Beef Franks weighs 12 ounces (but their Dinner Franks weigh 16 ounces) and a package of Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs Fat Free weighs 14 ounces.
1.6 ounces. Cross multiplication is a powerful friend.
Since there are 16 ounces in one pound, you multiply 16 by the 8 pounds. So, the dog weighs 128 ounces.
To make 12 ounces of hot chocolate, 3 tablespoons of cocoa are needed. How many tablespoons of cocoa are needed to make 72 ounces of hot chocolate?
The size refers to how many hot dogs per pound (16 ounces). 4-1 means that there are 4 hots dogs per pound, so each dog would be a net weight of 4 ounces each.
2.0106 oz Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 57 g*1 kg 1000 g*2.2046 lb 1 kg*16 oz 1 lb=2.010615831 oz Direct Conversion Formula 57 g*1 oz 28.34952313 g=2.010615831 oz