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Q: How many dried juniper berries in 1 tablespoon?
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How many juniper berries equal 1 teaspoon?


How many juniper berries are used in ethanol for making gin?

It highly depends on the brand of gin you have.

How many calories in a tablespoon of dried cherries?

One tablespoon of dried cherries contains 33 calories and 8 grams of carbohydrate. One tablespoon also contains 242 milligrams of protein.

How many allspice berries in a tablespoon?

We measured out a tablespoon and counted 48, but they are very variable in size.

How many calories in one tablespoon of dried figs?

29 roughly.

How many calories in 1 tablespoon dried dates?

600000000 million and 2

How many calories in homemade cranberry sauce?

1 tablespoon of dried cranberries is roughly 20-25 calories.

How many calories in a teaspoonfull of dried skimmed milk?

There are roughly 50 calories in 1 tablespoon of dry milk.

How many g is a Tablespoon of dried herbs?

That's very difficult to answer because dried herbs are different weights and it also matters how you pack them into the spoon.They can be crushed very fine,then weigh more.

How many teaspoons of dry oregano equal 2 sprigs of fresh?

1 4" sprig yields approximately 1 Tablespoon of fresh oregano. 1 Tablespoon of fresh oregano is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of dried. Therefore, 1 sprig is approximately equal to 1 teaspoon dried, so 2 sprigs = approximately 2 teaspoons of dried oregano. :)

How many tablespoon in 1 ounce of spices?

Very close to 3 Tablespoon (level). It depends upon which spice you are measuring . This answer is only correct if the dried spice is in powder form . Example: Pepper is always dried but it can be in powder form or in tiny solid balls.

How many tablespoons of dried cilantro equals one third cup fresh cilantro?

1 cup = 16 tablespoons 1 tablespoon = 0.06 cup