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Q: How many cigarettes is equal to a cup of tar?
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Tar in cigarettes?

There is tar in cigarettes and it has many harmful effects on the body Other substances in cigarettes include nicotine and carbon monoxide

How safe are low tar cigarettes?

Not. Tar is only one of many harmful toxins present in cigarettes. You would be better off not smoking at all.

What gives cigarettes flavor and causes disease?

Tar. Tar is a thick, black fluid that contains many cancer-causing substances but is the flavoring in cigarettes.

How much tar is in a cigarete?

"Tar" is the term used to describe the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes. The concentration of tar in a cigarette determines its rating:High-tar cigarettes contain at least 22 milligrams (mg) of tarMedium-tar cigarettes from 15 mg to 21 mgLow-tar cigarettes 7 mg or less of tar

What exactly are in cigarettes?

The ingredients in cigarettes are: tobacco, nicotine, and tar.

What are carcinogens in cigarettes?

Tar and Cancer

How wany cigarettes can be smoked at once?

If gasp cigarettes have 5 mg tar and 0.4 mg nicotine per cigarette and there are 20 cigarettes per pack, how many packs of cigarettes would hve to be smoked to coat your lungs with 4 0z (1/4) of tar? How many packs would you have to smoke to introduce your lungs to one gram of drug nicotine?

What are the dominant carcinogens found in cigarettes?


Why is tar bad for your health?

Tar is very bad for you and your lungs. it is inside cigarettes and smoking is very bad for your lungs (turns them black).

How much tar is in one cigarettes?

at least 22mg

How cigarettes cause cancer?

there is tar and rat poisoning in them

What 3 substances are in cigarettes?

nicotine ashes and lung cancer.