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Preservatives protect the food from bacteria. It makes it so that it last longer and taste great! Think of PRE-SER-VA-TION, it preserves the food so that bacteria and other harmful bacteria don't spoil the food. This is why when we leave out all the leftovers after dinner and don't put them away until say, the next day, they have gone bad.

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Q: How does food preservation preserve food?
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What is the best type of food preservation?

The best type of food preservation is by drying. The shelf life of the food is increased by several months, or even by several years, by dehydration. The other way to preserve food is by canning, which is a hydrated way to preserve. If the process is done completely sanitary, then the food will preserve indefinitely.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using salt to preserve food?

Pro: Salting food is a cheap and effective preservation technique.Con: The food may taste too salty if it is not properly prepared.

Is preservation a verb?

No, preservation is a noun, the verb is "to preserve"

What are the common methods of food preservation?

Freezing is a very common method of food preservation. Canning is another method that is often used. You can also dry, or vacuum seal foods to preserve them.

What are common method of food preservation?

Freezing is a very common method of food preservation. Canning is another method that is often used. You can also dry, or vacuum seal foods to preserve them.

What is the meaning of smoking preservation?

Smoking preservation is a method of preserving food using either hot smoke or cold smoke, the process prolongs the shelf life of the food and adds flavour. An example of smoking preservation is smoked salmon.

Explain why heat is used to preserve food?

Heat alone is not enough to preserve food unless it is used to dehydrate. Heat kills bacteria and pests and their eggs that may be in food and that assists in the preservation of food. In addition to heat food needs to be cured, smoked, canned, fermented, or frozen to preserve it for an extended period of time.

What is the origin of the word preservation?


What is land preservation?

To preserve land.

What is the role of food preservation?

Preservatives preserve food to keep from spoiling such as Aspartame is a popular preservative You answered your own question. The root word of preservatives is preserve. If you look up the definition of preserve, then you have your answer. I recommend brushing up on your vocabulary as it can be very beneficial to you in many ways.

How salicylate preserve vegtebles?

The USDA does not approve of the use of Salicylate (aspirin) in the preservation of vegetables. This is an old outdated method of preserving. Refer to the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) website, it is your source for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation.

How did the khoi tribe preserve food?

The Khoi dried or salted their food with unicorn blood or elf hair.Other preservation items could be:Moose FootElbow fungusAlthletes footPixie Dust