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The biggest considerations about whether you can or should leave groceries in the car should include:

  • the type of "grocery"
  • the projected overnight temp
  • the projected morning temp

Eggs, fresh produce, fresh vegetables should never be left in freezing temps.

Canned goods, glass goods can freeze and explode.

Milk is safe but it also expands during freezing and can crack the plastic jug.

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13y ago
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15y ago

If your car was as cold as a refrigerator, yes. If not, then it depends how long you left the food in the car and what temperature the meat reached. If you are in doubt about the safety of the meat, do not use it.

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10y ago

Groceries can be left in the car for a while as long as there is nothing refrigerated or frozen. These items should not stay out of cool places for long.

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11y ago

I wouldn't call it a recommended practice, especially in the case of perishable goods.

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Q: Can you leave groceries in the car overnight in the winter?
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