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becuz u make them mad at them

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Q: Why are some wives so hard on their husbands?
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Why do men scream at women?

Because they can get annoyed by them. or they are trying not to be an jerk by trying too hard which makes them a jerk.

Do Army Wives pleasure themselves?

Army wives are known cheaters, right up there with (females) nurses!

Why do some husbands do not compliment their wives to make them feel special?

They might have interest in other women and might not make you feel special or better so you will get angry and so it carries on to divorce. Another reason is that its the personality of some men, they can not be changed now. Some people just can not understand others feelings..its natural. Maybe because some men might not like their wives. These are some reasons

Why are ex-husbands so hard to get along with?

Well, you see, I am a relationship professional and I have been divorced myself. Ex-husbands are so hard to get along with because they are sex seekers. Do not talk to your ex-husband if he is calling you or arguing with you.

What was life like for the World War 1 soldiers wives?

It was very hard because they didn't get to see there husbands and had to support there family on their own. Most women those days didn't have many skills so it was hard for them to get good jobs.

Why wife hate husband parents even they are good to her?

it may be that they are good to her just in front of her husband. it also happens that wives get the feeling of sharing their husbands with theirs in-laws so that's the reason wive dislike their husband parents, girls normally don't like sharing things which are dear to them especially relationships like this one. finally wives always search for privacy with theirs husbands so if husband and wife are living with parents then it becomes a bit irritating and frustrating for the wives.

What is the episode of i love Lucy job switching about?

The husbands claimed that the wives spent too much money and couldn't earn it if they had to so the wives made a deal with them - the women would go get jobs for a week and the men would stay home and do housework.

How did the civil status of American women and men differ in early republic?

Men were thought to be superior to women. Womens education was only supported so that they could become better wives and mothers. Marriage laws supported this unequal power, wives were obligated to obey their husbands. Womens property was her husbands and even their children were his. Women were not allowed to keep their wages, to make contracts, to sue or be sued.

Why do some husbands cheat on their wives?

Some husbands cheat on their wives because they are bored in the marriage; they may feel tied down or suffocated; they may be bored seeing the same woman every day; they may want to see if other women are still attracted to them; they may want to regain their youth and have an affair with a younger woman; they cannot commit to one woman; they may not be in love with their wife, but do not have the backbone to ask for a divorce or, sometimes a man cheats because he can and is addicted to sneaking around with another exciting woman and some men feel they can have the best of both worlds by having an affair and hopefully their wives don't find out so they can enjoy the mistress and then go back to their wife or they are addicted to so called love or sex.

Were women in Miletus treated equally?

Women in ancient Greek culture - with the exception of women in Sparta - had no equal rights. They were generally seen as no more than the property of first their fathers and later, of their husbands. That was their formal status. But with Miletus being a busy trading an shipping town, many husbands used their wives as a partner in their business and from surviving correspondence it is clear that those husbands and wives treated each other as equals. But even so, the Law saw the man very clearly as head of the household.

Do some husbands spank their wives?

Quite true but some wives actually like being spanked believe it or not and so do some husbands. I agree it shouldn't be in anger or done in a punishing manner but one cannot get away from the fact that some spouses like this in private but would never talk about it.