Because they can get annoyed by them. or they are trying not to be an jerk by trying too hard which makes them a jerk.
they run and scream like mad women..... and men!
They do it because it feels good for both partners. It turns on the men, and it often makes the women scream.
Pleasure pains.Some women get very exited especially when they reach orgasm.It's for the same reason men moan/scream during orgasm.t is more like grunts of enjoyment then anything else.
Mostly due to Pleasure, although not all women scream during sex as you can make sex as loud as you want.
Part of it is anatomy. Vocal chords and voicebox(larynx), sinuses, and all the other parts that shape our voices are generally a bit different between men and women, which is responsible for part of the difference. Then there's a cultural part as well. We've all seen the tv series and the movies where women scream at a high pitch, and men scream lower and rougher. Wether we think about it or not, we tend to do as we've seen others do before.
Harvard College Cambridge, MassachusettsArchery* Men's Club* Women's ClubBadminton* Men's Club* Women's ClubBaseball* Men's NCAA Division I* Men's IntercollegiateBasketball* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralBoxing* Men's Club* Women's ClubCheerleading* Men's Club* Women's ClubCross-Country* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralDiving* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateEquestrian* Men's Club* Women's ClubFencing* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubField Hockey* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Club* Women's ClubFootball* Men's NCAA Division IAA* Men's IntercollegiateFootball (Non-Tackle)* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralGolf* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateIce Hockey* Men's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralJudo* Men's Club* Women's ClubLacrosse* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Club* Women's ClubRowing (Crew)* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralRugby* Men's Club* Women's ClubSailing* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateSkiing* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Club* Women's ClubSoccer* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubSoftball* Women's NCAA Division I* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralSquash* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralSwimming* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's IntramuralTable Tennis* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubTennis* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubTrack And Field* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateTrack: Indoor* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division ITrack: Outdoor* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division IVolleyball* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's Intercollegiate* Men's Intramural* Women's Intramural* Men's Club* Women's ClubWater Polo* Men's NCAA Division I* Women's NCAA Division I* Men's Intercollegiate* Women's IntercollegiateWrestling* Men's NCAA Division I* Men's IntercollegiateFor the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated below this answer box.
Wes Craven
No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.No, the men fought the men and the women fought the women. Otherwise it would be no contest.
There are still some situations in which a scream would be an appropriate reaction, but it is true that women who scream unnecessarily will confirm existing stereotypes of women as being prone to hysteria and having poor emotional self control.
men want to be women
For Varsity sports: Baseball, Men's and Women's Baseball, Cross Country, Fencing, Field Hockey, Football, Men's and Women's golf, Men's and Women's Gymnastics, Women's Lacrosse, Men's and Women's Rowing, Women's Lightweight Rowing, Sailing, Men's and Women's Soccer, Softball, Squash, Men's and Women's Swimming & Diving, Synchronized Swimming, Men's and Women's Tennis, Track &Field, Men's and Women's Volleyball, Men's and Women's Water Polo and Wrestling
Women were subordinate to men.