AnswerYes Miley has sang the wrong lyrics before. When she was singing live (Fly On The Wall)
It was sang by Billie Burke and Judy garland.
The Highwaymen sang the song 'Songs That Make A Difference.' One can also find accurate lyrics of this song on metrolyrics as they are famous for their lyrics.
The Beatles
Brian Mcknight sang the song 'One Last Cry". One can find lyrics of the song 'One Last Cry' from online websites like Metro Lyrics, Song Meanings, Song Lyrics and many more.
The Browns
Iggy Pop
It's called "Glitter in the Air" by Pink
Olivia Newton-John
do right by jimmie's chicken shack?
Close - the Beatles sang "I Want To Hold Your Hand", which has lyrics "Please say to me you'll let me be your man".
Seals and Crofts sang "Summer Breeze" which has the lyrics:"...Blowing through the jasmine in my mind"