It is possible to burn approx 560 calories depending on the individual.
A man that weighs 230 pounds will burn approximately 1,200 calories doing fast paced cardio boxing for an hour. Walking for an hour will burn approximately 300 calories.
aprox. 3500
A 150 pound man will burn between 500 and 750 calories per hour in a rugby game. The amount depends on the exertion the individual applies.
Because Iron Man has no reason to be burned. Its probally not possible because your are a pp boy and He is pure man.....sorry bro
Depends on the weight and metabolism of the individual. A 150 lbs man can burn 3-5 calories and a 250 lbs man burns 4-7 calories. As the workout continues the rate of caloric burn goes up in response to tiring muscles and fitness level.
Superman because he has laser vision. Superman's laser vision can burn through Iron Man's metal armor, Iron Man uses his repulsive powers on him, Megaman comes in and kills them both lol.
Depends on your your fitness level, your age, how hard, and for how long you ride. If you ride hard enough to get sweaty and winded, maybe 400-500 calories/hour.
How many calories should a 63 old man intake daily
1,600 calories for a woman, 2,000 calories for a man.
The Man with the Iron Heart has 533 pages.
2500 calories is usually used as the reference for men but it will depend on how much activity you do - it could be more or less depending on whether you do lots of walking or exercise or if you're something of a couch potato!