

Answers with Costa Ronin

Updated: 9/27/2023

<p>Costa Ronin talks Season 3 of FX's critically acclaimed drama series &quot;The Americans,&quot; how he prepared for his role as Oleg Burov, and what continues to challenge him about the part. Tune in to &quot;The Americans&quot; Wednesdays at 10/9c on FX.</p>

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βˆ™ 4y ago

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FX's "The Americans" has been described as a Cold War thriller that's dark but intriguing. What kind of historical knowledge do you need to understand "The Americans"?

None. It appeals equally to those who lived through those turbulent times and those who were not even born yet. "The Americans" takes us back 30 years to the peak of the Cold War when the two superpowers had the fate of the world in their hands. The reason the show has become what it is today is not because of its premise, but because of the characters that take the audience on this amazing journey. This show is about people like you and me, people with hopes and dreams, people who love, who hurt, who want to grow old and see their grandchildren...but these people have a job to do. They do it because they believe that what they do makes the world a better place on both sides of the iron curtain.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 4y ago
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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 4y ago
How accurate is "The Americans" depiction of history compared to what was actually happening between Russia and the United States in the 1980s?

I was very young and the showrunners, Joe Weiseberg and Joel Fields, have put together such a terrific creative team of writers and researcher that I have complete trust in the material, not to mention that Joe Weiseberg was himself a CIA operative in those days, so if anyone knows firsthand what EXACTLY was going on, it's him.

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Kevin Stringer

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βˆ™ 4y ago
Outside of your acting career, you spend a lot of time hiking, sailing and doing CrossFit! Any tips on how to maintain an active lifestyle with such a busy schedule?

Yes, it's a conscious choice. I have learnt something very early on: Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish; but you can spend it only once".

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Kevin Stringer

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βˆ™ 4y ago
How did you originally get into acting? Have you always loved to act?

I first got a taste of it in a summer camp production at the age of 5, when I got to play a grandma. I can't remember exactly how it came along but I do remember that it was incredible to see the world through the eyes of someone else. To me it's not just about acting, it's about storytelling; whether it is through the means of acting, writing, directing, cinematography or painting...There are so many stories around the world that need to be told and it is up to us to tell them before they perish with generations who hold them dear.

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Kevin Stringer

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βˆ™ 4y ago
One of your first jobs was as a radio host in Russia teaching English through music and learning American culture through the radio waves. Is this what originally sparked your interested in American culture?

I was blessed with an amazing opportunity to work at Radio BAS in Kaliningrad, my home town. It was kind of iconic in those days and I have met some terrific people from whom I have learned a lot. That was perhaps my first foray into writing and script work. The love for International storytelling came a lot earlier. Through reading Jules Verne, Shakespeare, Jack London, Ernest Hemingway and Mark Twain.

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Kevin Stringer

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βˆ™ 4y ago
How does Season 3 of "The Americans" differ from Season 1 and Season 2?

Different - We have a few new cast members, which is a great opportunity to expand the characters' world and to give more perspectives of what was going on. Through interaction with the new characters the audience gets to discover the new sides of the characters they already love.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 4y ago
If you like ________ and ________, then you will like "The Americans". How would you fill in the blanks?

If you like "James Bond" and "Brave Heart", then you will like "The Americans".

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Kevin Stringer

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βˆ™ 4y ago
You were born in Russia, went to school in New Zealand and Australia and currently reside in Los Angeles. Do you ever get homesick? What do you miss most about home?

Back when I was still in Russia, I was sitting down with this one gentleman, an older gentleman, and he was telling me these stories about his life. When I sat down with him, he was just tough, like, imagine Arkady 20 years down the road. It's like tough as nails, old school, nothing bothers him, nothing can shoot that man down. I was talking to this gentleman, and at the end of the conversation, he had a tear in his eye. It's when [people] open up, only when they open up and you can see glimpses of their heart and their soul. That's when you know you're getting somewhere. I'll tell you what, that one man, he was a terrific human being, and I've learned so much from him. A lot of what I've got going in Oleg, what I've got going with his thinking process, I learned from that man.

So, to answer your question, yes. Living in Russia, being in Russia, it helped me step into this almost collective cultural heritage, collective cultural knowledge, and then, again, as an actor, everything else had to come from everything I can get my hands on.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 4y ago
Your character, Oleg Burov, is an appointed KGB agent who is a part of the NomenKlatura--the elite rulers of the Communist party. Originally from Moscow, he takes a position in the United States at the Embassy. Do you consider Oleg to be a good or a bad guy?

He is both and neither. He is a well-rounded, well-educated, worldly smart guy, a child of his time but quite ahead of his time in many ways. We see his transformation from someone full of hopes and dreams into a man who is hurt and betrayed but is not giving up on the idea that what he does is important, that the balance of power can exist and makes the world a better place. There is still hope. There is always hope.

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Kevin Stringer

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 4y ago
Was there anything you did to make your role your own that wasn't originally scripted for you?

Creating a show is very much a collaborative process across all departments. The showrunners and the writers are like Gods on Mt. Olympus. They are the only ones who know if you live or die next week...But everyone else contributes to what he does. Jenny Gering and her team have done such a tremendous job making Oleg the most stylish man on TV. Actors - we breath life into the characters, and yes, I want to believe that I have touched on making him complete.

I do a lot of character building work in advance, so that when I am in a scene, I can just surrender and channel the character's energy. Every move he makes, every thought, every idiosyncrasy is motivated by my character's thoughts, not mine. It's a very organic process. You have to tap into your character's energy, and let your heart sync up with his.

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