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Not necessarily. Being gay is about sexual orientation not about a single act that may have had sexual undertones.

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Q: You and your friend rub against each other are you gay?
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Why did the conquered peoples rebel against the Aztecs?

because they were gay against each other

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I find this question confusing, as you say you are a lesbian and your friend is gay...yet you are attracted to each other..

What should you do if you and your best friend like each other and you are both gay?

then u two should be together.

Your brother that is 11 has friend and they showed dick to each other is that means he is gay?

Not nessecarially. It might just mean they really trust each other or something.

What would gay frotting look like?

It is just rubbing against each other without penetration.

What do you do when your friend is trying to touch your but?

if it is a boy he is gay but worry tell your other friend

How can you till if you friend is gay?

Gay men are primarily sexually attracted to other men, rather than women. I hope you will still be friends if your friend turns out to be gay!

How can you know if you have a gay friend?

Check their room for gay porn then check how they stare at other people

If you are gay with your friend are you gay?

If you are gay with your friend, then you might be gay, or partly gay, which is called bisexual.

Secretly my friend and i showed and touched each other penis's We are both 15 is this ok?

if u want to be gay and u have a certain feeling for a guy then it okay , if ur not gay , dat so ... BBBBAAAADDDD

Im gay there is a guy in my school who i really like we don't know each other much how do i know if he is gay too He gives me looks when he sees me or try's to brush against me when on the hallway?

Maybe he's weirded out because your gay.

What if you like your gay friend?

If you like your gay friend, then you like your gay friend. That's all there is to it.