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hae my name is Katie brown and i am the biggest fan of zac efron

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Q: Would Zac Efron have a long distance relationship?
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remote relationship would be a distant or long distance relationship

How do you ask her if she wants a long-distance relationship?

Simple....... Go to her and say how would you feel about a long distance relationship........ It's not going to be that hard.................

Why would a guy deny cheating in a long distance relationship?

if he was cheating on a long distance relationship he could be telling the truth or lieing. think about it, has he ever lied to you before

How long did Miley Cyrus and Zac Efron date?

They have not been in a relationship together.

What do you do if you met a guy on the computer and he doesn't want to be in a Long distance relationship but she says he likes you a lot and you want to be in a long distance relationship with him?

Move on. Meeting a guy on the internet rarely leads to a good relationship. Even worse, it would also be a long distance relationship, which also leads to many complications.

What words do you use when asking a girl out online because of long distance?

The same ones you would use if it was not a long distance relationship.

What is the term for the relationship between the distance?

um Long-distance relationship?

What are the survival chances of a long-distance relationship if the relationship will no longer be long-distance in a year?

What you mean like long distance cumshots? In that case like 1 in 69

Is it right to assume the worst in a long distance relationship?

In some instances when the relationship isn't fully developed or is not that strong, long distance relationships can be disastrous. But if you have a strong relationship full of trust, communication, and commitment then long distance relationships can actually strengthen your relationship and help it grow. If you manage a long distance relationship and it works out, you know that your relationship can withstand difficult situations.

Long Distance Relationship Gifts India?

short distance relationship gift india

How long do you think the long distance relationship will last?

It can last a long time if you are both committed. I have been in a long distance relationship for 7 months

Would you consider 40 miles away a long distance relationship?

No. Sometimes I travel that to do some of my grocery shopping. My husband (then my boyfriend) traveled further than that to see me and sometimes I would drive out to his place. Long distance is when someone lives in another City or Country. If you are a minor then this could be considered a long distance relationship because it's harder to get together. No its not a long distance relationship is one that it takes as long 2 get there as it does when you would go on a vacation so its really hard to see the person like 2hrs 30 minutes and up id say is when you start being long distance