The twilight movie is made by Summit Entertainment
There are five movies that make up the Twilight film saga. The five films include: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn: Part 1, and Breaking Dawn: Part 2.
The child actor who plays young Bella in the film Twilight is Catherine Grimme
running time
it is about 2 hours long............:) love twilight!!!!!!!!!!!and edward is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! - twilight lover
November 21, 2008
nov. 21 2008
because if the room is too hot from everyones body heat then the film will melt. :)
Yes, there will be a Twilight watch film.
the 3rd film is eclpise x dude i am the best twilight fan ever !
When the movie theatures open for business.
it already did. march 4
The heroine in twilight film is Bella Swan
The Twilight film was released on November 21, 2008.
The Twilight Saga film series consists of 5 movies with a total runtime of approximately 10 hours and 48 minutes.