So far, there seems to be no indication of this happening, since she has returned to her own time, in the future. However, since the manga is still ongoing, it is still possible for her to make an appearance, although highly unlikely. There was however that promise between her and Negi that they would meet each other again in the future.
Whether this is because Negi might possibly find a way to get to the future or he actually manages to live that long is unknown though, or if Chao decides to return to Negi's timeline is also unsure.
Edit: Chao did return at the end of chapter 352 when Asuna was sealed off for more than 130 years. In this future, everyone has passed away including Negi and the only ones who were still alive were Evangeline and Chao. This Chao is the same one who went back in time and she has developed a machine that lets a person travel between parallel worlds. Asuna was so distraught over the fact that her friends are all dead, Chao and Eva decided to send her back by using the new time machine Chao has created thus Asuna was able to reunite with all her friends again.
read the book
It doesn't say when he imprints on Claire. Jacob just tells Bella about it at a later time. It doesn't say an exact chapter it just mentions it in later chapters.
Yes, he does die but later on in the chapters (SPOILER) after he talks to the whit fang A.K.A his father he is brought back to life.
Jack Paar walked away from The Tonight Show after they cut his 'water closet' joke without telling him. The episode was broadcast on 02|11|1960 but he returned three weeks later so early March.
Axel Blaze (Gouenji Shuuya in the original) parts from the Raimon team for about half of the second season/game, to later return. He doesn't get "replaced", but while he is away, another forward joins the team, Shawn Frost (Fubuki Shirou).
two chapters later when he was in the hospital
read the book
I'll return later.
Yes even after shingles have been treated it can return later on in life.
I later found out that after we left the school the principal had spoken again on the PA system.He announced our expected time of return on Saturday and suggested that everyone be on hand to meet us win or lose. Page 146
It is not known yet. The secret will be uncovered in the later chapters
hbk will return later this year of early next year
Edmund Halley PREDICTED the return of the comet which was later named for him.
Yoruichi. Just look at how massive they are in the later manga chapters.
As a bishop.
Yes you can do this if you choose to do it.
Will return.ALSOam/is/are going to - He is going to return returning - The boys are returning later this afternoon.