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Prim isn't better than Katniss, nor is Katniss better than Prim. However, Prim has more likable character traits, which makes her seem like a better character.

  • Prim is friendly
  • Prim is kinder, and makes friends easier than Katniss does
  • Prim trusts people more so than Katniss
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Katniss says this because Prim would be able to heal Peeta in the same situation

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Q: Why would prim be better than Katniss in the arena?
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She wouldnt because she is too young And would freak out and would be a victim in the bloodbath. If she survived the bloodbath she wouldnt kill an animal and would starve

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Prim would have had to be in the HUnger Games.

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it depends...katniss will do anything for the people she loves (her volunteering for tribute so that prim didn't enter the arena is brave) and peeta will also do anything for the people he loves (joining the careers to protect katniss would be brave because the careers could have killed him like that