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They had reached the end of the Original Series. 4Kids, like Disney Channel, requires that a series only has a limited number of aired episodes. When that number is reached, the series stops airing. However, 4Kids and Konami saw the popularity of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and collaborated to start another series, which became Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. This new series starred a new protagonist, Jaden Yuki. Eventually, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX also reached its limit. Though, Takahashi promised himself he would not make another series, Konami's anime corporation convinced him otherwise and started to develop the third Yu-Gi-Oh! series, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.

Yugi Muto, however, has appeared in various non-canon films and productions such as Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Super Fusion! Bonds that Transcend Time. He also appeared in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

In effect, he was never taken out of the series. He only grew older and became less involved in the card game, though he is still considered to be the number one Duelist, as quoted by Pegasus. As he grows older, he starts to develop more like Pharaoh Atem (Yami Yugi) and takes on his appearance, growing taller, more muscled, and having the gold locks of his hair grown out. He becomes less involved in the game, but helps out Yusei and especially Jaden from time-to-time.

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13y ago

originally they didn't because there has been different types of yugioh but for series 1 they started running out of ideas for the show and the people who played the voices were getting to old for there voices to stay like that

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