She was temporarily a prisoner at that time.
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As far as the title, "Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch" roughly "Code Geass: Lelouch's Rebellion". As far as the TV series, I do not know what to tell you.
No, she does not. She's single at the end.
I believe it's "Continued Story" by Hitomi.
Pepsi_dog:Lelouch might be dead. But there a some OVAs and extras that show him as the cart driver at the end of the anime (R2 episode 25)here's a site for it (although it only shows his hair/eyes and half of his face, it's still convincing): i helped"My take is that Lelouch is alive.The most obvious reason would be CC calling to Lelouch in the closing scene of the episode. As we can assume CC to be still sane, she must be talking to someone, and that someone would most probably be the driver of the cart: Lelouch would have to be alive.Second, however, and this is where the others have thought things through, Lelouch is alive because he got his dad's code. He beckoned the World of C to lend him its powers, and he took Charles's code before Charles passed on. The reason why Lelouch still has his Geass is because he didn't take the Code from the same person who gave him his Geass: he took his Geass from CC, and he took his Code from Charles. Thus, he now possesses both immortality and a Geass. This is also a reason that the title is Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.To further corroborate this, however, remember that when Nunnally held Lelouch's hand he transferred his memories to her. CC also did it when Lelouch touched her accidentally back then, so it could be assumed that people with Codes are indeliberate telepaths. This leaves us with both immortals traversing the world for the rest of eternity.It's a great end, friends.P.S. Ending line of CC translated by bibi: "Geass is the power of kings, it will isolate you… well, I guess that's a little wrong… eh, Lelouch"P.P.S. Additional evidence, courtesy of `Nergal and 4chan:1. Charles grabbed Lelouch with his right hand, which had the Geass sigil.2. Lelouch needed the fully evolved Geass to transfer a code.3. The code doesn't appear to activate until someone dies. Hence, why C.C. was wounded when she first inherited her code. Same happened with Charles in the World of C.4. When Lelouch touched Nunnally, Nunnally got a flash of his memories. This ONLY happens when a high potential Geass user touches someone with the fully evolved Geass.5. The title of the series is "R2″, which is similar to how "C.C" is pronounced. So Lelouch would be "R.R." which is Engrish (I presume) for L.L., Lelouch Lamprouge.6. When C.C. is talking on the wagon, she says "the power of Geass brings loneliness…that's not quite right is it, Lelouch?" and nods her head in the direction of the wagon driver.P.P.P.S More evidence, courtesy of an intelligent anon from 4chan:Orange knew of Lelouche's and Suzaku's plan and helped them out by ordering his men not to fire on Zero, he even smiled when Zerozaku jumped on his shoulder.Now would Orange, a man who devoted himself entirely to Lelouche and threw away everything without a second thought be OK with a plan where the sole person he wants to protect in life is actually killed? The answer to that is NO, not even if Lelouche ordered him to accept the plan: he would not go along with it and would protect him with his life. There is only one way that Orange would be OK with a plan like that and that's if he knew about Lelouche's immortality, which I assume he did as he worked with V.V. in the Geass research base. Orange was OK with this plan as he knew Lelouche would come to no harm and would be able to start a new peaceful life with the woman he loves in a world which he himself had made peaceful.Even at the end, we see Orange on his orange plantation, completely content with the way things have panned out, he definitely could not be that happy had Lelouche actually died.There it is, firm evidence of Lelouche's immortality if the scene with C.C. and the cart driver wasn't painfully obvious enough.(I corrected a few spelling errors and run-ons, but preserved the original thought. It's also quite convincing, if you ask me.)"
In season 2 episode 25, Suzaku Kururugi kills him with the sword Zero uses and Suzaku is wearing the Zero mask. Lelouch asked Suzaku to kill him, because he was the worst king ever, well that's what Lelouch thinks. Nunnally finally becomes the real govener of Japan, but has to cry herself to sleep every night after Lelouch's death. Lelouch became the king after he was denouced as lord, and finally took the name Lelouch vi Brittania again. I disagree. The point in the anime is to leave it as a mystery for the viewer to interpret but if you must know, the answer is no, Lelouch does NOT die. The Code is the power of immortality, which C.C. has. The 98th Emperor of Britannia, Charles, has the Code. He transferred the Code to Lelouch while strangling him in episode 21. Lelouch wanted this, and he deliberately told Suzaku to not interfere. However, the Code does not activate unless receiver dies first. This is shown when the nun kills C.C. after transferring the Code to her. Charle's Code activated when he shot himself. Here is one of the big misconceptions that most people have: The transfer of the Code does not involve death of the transferrer. The nun was crazy and killed herself after she transferred her code. VV was injured from the battle and died. So basically, after episode 21, Lelouch had Charle's Code (inactivated) and C.C's contracted Geass. When Lelouch got stabbed by Zero/Suzaku at the end, his Code was activated. What supports this is that Nunnally got Lelouch's memories when she touched him, just like Lelouch did when he touched C.C. back in Narita. The only way this could have happened is his Code activating. This pretty much confirms that he has the Code. Unlike C.C., and Charles, who lost their Geasses because the people who contracted them died, Lelouch didn't obtain C.C.'s Code and thus kept his Geass, while having the Code (which he obtained from Charles at the same time). Lelouch therefore has achieved CODE GEASS. In the end, Lelouch is the masked cart driver (why else would they mask him) and CC is seen talking to him (her eyes slant towards the front of the cart when she says "Right, Lelouch?") and Nunally's Japanese paper crane is seen near the front of the cart, suggesting that it belonged to the driver. (Also here's a closeup of the driver) both of those photos are obviously fake.....don't get me wrong i agree with the theory....but those pictures.....100% fake haha
Your question makes no sense. So what about Code Geass? It's not a real question.
As far as the title, "Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch" roughly "Code Geass: Lelouch's Rebellion". As far as the TV series, I do not know what to tell you.
Spoilers ahead: At the end of Code Geass, Lelouch vi Britannia orchestrates his own death in a grand public display in order to bring about world peace. His death symbolizes the end of tyranny and discrimination, leading to a more hopeful future for humanity. The series concludes with an ambiguous scene that leaves the fate of Lelouch open to interpretation.
No, she does not. She's single at the end.
Episode 12, I think, in the end. ~ C.C.
I believe it's "Continued Story" by Hitomi.
Lelouch told suzaku to kill him using the sword of zero because lelouch had destroyed the world and then recreated it then he died. Lelouch gave suzaku his geass because he told him that he couold never be suzaku kururugi again thus giving birth to the Zero Requiam. Before Lelouch had died he told zero/suzaku to watch over nunnally because she has become the new queen of britania so nothing happened to suzaku except he can no longer be suzaku he is forced to become zero and he is forced to become zero because lelouch one asked him to and two lelouch gave suzaku his power of geass.
Technically episode 1 of R2. However, she does not have any lines until the end of episode 2.
Pepsi_dog:Lelouch might be dead. But there a some OVAs and extras that show him as the cart driver at the end of the anime (R2 episode 25)here's a site for it (although it only shows his hair/eyes and half of his face, it's still convincing): i helped"My take is that Lelouch is alive.The most obvious reason would be CC calling to Lelouch in the closing scene of the episode. As we can assume CC to be still sane, she must be talking to someone, and that someone would most probably be the driver of the cart: Lelouch would have to be alive.Second, however, and this is where the others have thought things through, Lelouch is alive because he got his dad's code. He beckoned the World of C to lend him its powers, and he took Charles's code before Charles passed on. The reason why Lelouch still has his Geass is because he didn't take the Code from the same person who gave him his Geass: he took his Geass from CC, and he took his Code from Charles. Thus, he now possesses both immortality and a Geass. This is also a reason that the title is Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.To further corroborate this, however, remember that when Nunnally held Lelouch's hand he transferred his memories to her. CC also did it when Lelouch touched her accidentally back then, so it could be assumed that people with Codes are indeliberate telepaths. This leaves us with both immortals traversing the world for the rest of eternity.It's a great end, friends.P.S. Ending line of CC translated by bibi: "Geass is the power of kings, it will isolate you… well, I guess that's a little wrong… eh, Lelouch"P.P.S. Additional evidence, courtesy of `Nergal and 4chan:1. Charles grabbed Lelouch with his right hand, which had the Geass sigil.2. Lelouch needed the fully evolved Geass to transfer a code.3. The code doesn't appear to activate until someone dies. Hence, why C.C. was wounded when she first inherited her code. Same happened with Charles in the World of C.4. When Lelouch touched Nunnally, Nunnally got a flash of his memories. This ONLY happens when a high potential Geass user touches someone with the fully evolved Geass.5. The title of the series is "R2″, which is similar to how "C.C" is pronounced. So Lelouch would be "R.R." which is Engrish (I presume) for L.L., Lelouch Lamprouge.6. When C.C. is talking on the wagon, she says "the power of Geass brings loneliness…that's not quite right is it, Lelouch?" and nods her head in the direction of the wagon driver.P.P.P.S More evidence, courtesy of an intelligent anon from 4chan:Orange knew of Lelouche's and Suzaku's plan and helped them out by ordering his men not to fire on Zero, he even smiled when Zerozaku jumped on his shoulder.Now would Orange, a man who devoted himself entirely to Lelouche and threw away everything without a second thought be OK with a plan where the sole person he wants to protect in life is actually killed? The answer to that is NO, not even if Lelouche ordered him to accept the plan: he would not go along with it and would protect him with his life. There is only one way that Orange would be OK with a plan like that and that's if he knew about Lelouche's immortality, which I assume he did as he worked with V.V. in the Geass research base. Orange was OK with this plan as he knew Lelouche would come to no harm and would be able to start a new peaceful life with the woman he loves in a world which he himself had made peaceful.Even at the end, we see Orange on his orange plantation, completely content with the way things have panned out, he definitely could not be that happy had Lelouche actually died.There it is, firm evidence of Lelouche's immortality if the scene with C.C. and the cart driver wasn't painfully obvious enough.(I corrected a few spelling errors and run-ons, but preserved the original thought. It's also quite convincing, if you ask me.)"
Lelouch is alive.He is the masked man seen on the last episode. If you have even seen the original Japanese ending you will see him at the end. Wanna know how he lived then keep reading this: 1.Remember "Physconun" the one who gave C.C her geass."Physconun" forced her code into C.C and then killed her making C.C immortal(immortality only takes effect after you die with the code) 2.Remember in episode 14 Charles took V.V's code that is how V.V died. 3.When Lelouch used his geass on Charles with the command to "die".If you watched carefully you will see the geass being dispelled or repelled.Charles was just messing with Lelouch hence he told him"Plots and schemes deceptions,you really thought you could defeat me with those cheap tricks"(geass does not work on you if the code is active or if the code is in you and you have not died yet) 4.When Lelouch was about to kill Charles did you see where Charles' hand was.Why did you think C.C put her hand on Charles when he was about to kill her.It was to transfer her code.So when lelouch killed Charles he gained Charles' code. 5.So when Suzaku "killed Lelouch what do you think happened.He became immortal after that. Therefore the argument that Lelouch was killed or he is "dead" is false" and childish. Small points can show things you couldn't process. Think logical! Hope it was helpful to the Lelouch haters out there so QUIT IT! P.S:almost forgot,remember when people touched C.C they saw her memories from when she gained her code. In episode 25 when Nunnally touched Lelouch's hand she saw the entire incident after Charles was killed in C's world. BOOM!
Hes dead i think.... did Lelouch kill him??gah i cant remember. all ik is that if he was alive they woulda showed him in the end..