As far as the title, "Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch" roughly "Code Geass: Lelouch's Rebellion".
As far as the TV series, I do not know what to tell you.
I'm not sure but.. cecanniah corabelle or it is camela cershiro but C.C. is a Chinese so think a Chinese name came from C.C. Her real name is "Shizuku"...... It means waterdrop in Japanese... Ever wonder why when Lelouch talkin to her about her name we could only hear water drops?
Well, typically yes, because in Episode 12 (or 13 or 14), Shirley kisses Lelouch and he kisses back. But did he MEAN to kiss her? Probably not. It was obvious that Shirley was obsessed with Lelouch and loved him but it wasn't so clear if Lelouch had feelings for her back... Love is a mystery. ;D ~ C.C.
If by feelings you mean a crush or love, the manga or anime does not exactly suggest these feelings clearly. But on Code Geass Wikia is does say that they are close friends (along with Suzaku). That could be because they are both knights of the round, but other information is vague and it's doubtful.
Nindo means 'the way of the ninja'. It's like a ninja's way of life, their code and morals, code of honor ect. their own ninja way.
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alright, i will explain why Lelouch is still alive, i have done a lot of examinations and research. 1. At the end, Lord Jeremiah says "Onward masked Knight", so he isn't putting up a fight, and after Lelouch was stabbed, he smiles before calling retreat orders. he would have been more upset if Lelouch had really died since he lives to protect Lelouch and Nanalle. 2. Nanalle has 'memory watch' when she touches Lelouch, which is what happens to people when they touch C2 which means he could be immortal. 3. The symbol of Geass wasnt on Lelouch's forehead when he died, but (Emperor Charles had it on his hand) if ya look closely, Lelouch's hand is covered in blood which could easily be covering up the mark. 4. When Emperor Charles tried to choke Lelouch, he used the hand with the Geass symbol on it, so the power could easily have been passed to Lelouch and shown up on his hand (revert to number 3). 5.The Code activates first when you die, Lelouch's code activates when Suzaku stabbed him, just like Charle's code acrtivated when he was first shot. After being stabbed, Lelouch's code is activating and trying to revive him. Think of C2, she was shot and she shed blood and was unconcious for a while, which is what happened to Lelouch after being stabbed. 6. Nanalle was the one who showed Lelouch how to make cranes, and since at the end there is a crane and C2 doesnt know how to make them, the cart driver could easily be Lelouch in disquise. Not to mention that C2 said that she doesnt talk to dead people and that she tilts her head back a little on the cart and says Lelouch's name, which means she is talking directly to someone and that person is LELOUCH! There ya have it, LONG LIVE LELOUCH!
What do they mean? It's pretty much self-explanatory. Geass, though, in Irish myth and folklore (Spelled Geis) is a taboo, whether of obligation or prohibition, similar to being under a vow or spell.
I'm not sure but.. cecanniah corabelle or it is camela cershiro but C.C. is a Chinese so think a Chinese name came from C.C. Her real name is "Shizuku"...... It means waterdrop in Japanese... Ever wonder why when Lelouch talkin to her about her name we could only hear water drops?
Well, typically yes, because in Episode 12 (or 13 or 14), Shirley kisses Lelouch and he kisses back. But did he MEAN to kiss her? Probably not. It was obvious that Shirley was obsessed with Lelouch and loved him but it wasn't so clear if Lelouch had feelings for her back... Love is a mystery. ;D ~ C.C.
There are a few. Off the top of my head, I think Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion might factor in. Granted, there are others, but if you mean special in a power way, then yes, CG is one.
If u mean Lelouch from Code Geass then here it is. # You have to be smart. Lelouch is a total genius. He can think up an effective battle plan while sitting inside a nightmare frame doing nothing. Play some chess too. # Don't do much physical activity. Lelouch doesn't work out much, so he is often exhausted at any kind of work out. # Be popularish at school. You don't have to hang out with every person at school, but Lelouch has some good friends that he is always with. (Not to mention potential girlfriends). # If you have a little sister, have her act like Nunnally. She is Lelouch's inspiration to create his peaceable world. # Find a girl to act like C.C. She is aloof most of the time, but helps him sometimes. She also loves Pizza Hut. # Get a contact of Lelouch's Geass. It is either a red bird-like thing or a red contact ( if permanently active). # Your best friend should be a guy like Suzaku Kururugi. Create a secret language with him using different kinds of codes like coller lifts, pencil twirls, etc.
In the anime series Code Geass, Lelouch vi Britannia and C.C. share a complex and deep relationship that goes beyond romantic love. While there are moments hinting at deeper feelings between them, their bond is built more on mutual respect, trust, and a shared goal rather than romantic love.
If you mean Code Geass: Shikkoku no Renya then it means Renya of Darkness, because Renya in this sentence is a name.Otherwise Shikkoku no Renya can also mean "Darkness every evening" or "Night after night of darkness"
While there is no third season yet, if you mean the new OVA series Akito the Exiled, the first episode comes out on August 24, 2012, and can be seen simply by searching for it on a search engine like Google. Just type in, "Watch Code Geass:Akito the Exiled.
If by feelings you mean a crush or love, the manga or anime does not exactly suggest these feelings clearly. But on Code Geass Wikia is does say that they are close friends (along with Suzaku). That could be because they are both knights of the round, but other information is vague and it's doubtful.
One origin could be the 'geiss' in Irish folklore. Geiss was a right that a princess could invoke on anyone in her kingdom. It was like a spell or a curse.
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