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Because Daisy liked London and Flex more, and Dave didn't show how he liked her.

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Q: Why was 12 pack eliminated in daisy of love?
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How did 12 pack get eliminated from Daisy of Love?

He didn't. He is going to the finale.

Does chi chi win daisy of love?

chi chi got eliminated then sinister the final 3 are London 12 pack and flex

How old is 12 pack from daisy of love?

12 Pack (real name Dave Amerman) was born on March 17, 1979, so he is currently 42 years old.

Who does daisy de la hoya choose as her boyfriend?

In the last episode it is London 12 pack/Dave and flex. then 12 pack/Dave gets eliminated after he tells her he is falling in love with her. she has sex with flex and he spends the entire day with her. with London she spends the entire day with him but is crying afterwards. she will most likely choose flex even though they had a rough spot in the middle of the show daisy chooses with her heart and goes with London whitch means she eliminated 12 pack and flex.

Who is in the finale of daisy of love?

Flex, London, and Dave or 12 pack

Who are the final three on daisy of love?

Flex, London, and 12 Pack

Who is six pack on Daisy of Love?

a person you just made up look up 12 pack

Who has already been eliminated from daisy of love?

The contestants who have been eliminated from "Daisy of Love" are: 6 Gauge, Flipper, London, Ray, Torch, and 12 Pack.

Who won the daisy of love in 2009?

I think that London should win Daisy Of Love because in the first episode, the 20 guys were... 12 pack Chi Chi Sinister London Brooklyn Fox Flex Weasel Dropout Tool Box Big Rig 84 85 86 Cage 6 Gauge Flipper Professor Cable Guy Torch And as of episode 9 there was Chi Chi, Sinister, London, Flex and 12 Pack. Chi Chi got eliminated so that leaves 12 Pack,Flex,Sinister,and London. Now, Sinister and Flex are both great guys, but I think that the Final 2 will be 12 pack and London. Daisy has big connections with both of them, but considering how when London left she cried, and kept thinking of him, and when he came back she cried and stumbled around and was like "Woah! This guy really cares!" and as for 12 pack, they connect, but how can she believe that he loves her when he was also on I Love New York? Does he Love Daisy or New York? That is why London is going to win Daisy Of Love. yeah but remember that 12 pack and chi chi went on that date with her bcuz they were the two that were less compatioble for her. So its eighter gonna be Flex, Sinister, or London. But remember that London is only staying at the house and at the last elimination she did not give him a chain only allowed him to stay in the house. UPDATED ANSWER (As of July 12th, 2009) Either Sinister or Dave/ 12 pack. I'd say most likely Dave/ 12 pack

Do daisy pick 12 pack?


What movie and television projects has David Amerman been in?

David Amerman has: Played himself in "The Tyra Banks Show" in 2005. Played 12 Pack in "I Love New York" in 2007. Played 12 Pack in "I Love Money" in 2008. Played 12 Pack in "Daisy of Love" in 2009. Played himself in "Brimstone Celebrity Roast" in 2010.

Does Princeton from minless behavior have a 12 pack?

no he has a 6 pack you love ladies i love it