It's just that Naruto is lazy or that he loves Sakura too much to care.
No, nor she's even seen Sasuke yet. Come on people don't make your own story please Masashi-san will get upset.
that is episode 109 and sakura did a terrible job doing that.she thought that she could talk sasuke on staying at the leaf village.but she mostly talked about her feelings for him and how she could make him happy.when sakura is finished talking,sasuke says," after all this time you are still annoying.(hint episode 3)then he starts to walk away and sakura says if you leave i will scream.which makes sasuke disappear behind her and says thank you, and then knocks her out.he puts her on the bench and leaves.that is the main part of episode 109. this episode we make you cry if you watch it in English.
I have read as far as the manga goes online, so up to 478, I believe, and so far no. Karin is watching from the sidelines as usual as Sasuke fights. She tried to help him but got kicked away with no effort. She is proving to not even know how to fight. Sakura, is on her way to where Sasuke is now, so if they did fight it would happen soon but I doubt it will be much of a match if Karin really is as weak as she's being portrayed right now. But who knows.
Ino and Sakura fought in the Chunin Exams , it was mentioned that their strength is equal. However, even though Sakura trained with Lady Tsunade , they both are still equal in strength. During the time-skip Sakura got stronger thanks to Tsunade and Sakura gained enough beauty too. Some say she is younger version of Tsunade or someone who could surpass Tsunade. And for Ino she improved a bit but i say Sakura is stronger.
Yes she does but just to make sure let's ask Sasuke! So Sasuke did Sakura pose naked for you? Yeah i was just about to go to sleep and i walked in my room in my boxers goin to bed so i turned on the lights and Sakura was poseing naked! Well at first i liked it for 1 sec just 1 sec then i felt like a perv! so i asked her to put some clothes and well that did not go well because she locked the room door and turned off the lights and well in da morin well lets just say she was there for brakefast! and Naruto got pissed cuz i told my buddy gaara and he told shino but shino would not shut up and naruto heard it and well he got pissed! OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS ENOUGH SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well there you go Sakura does P.S. Sasuke is CUTE!!!!!!!!!! yeah she does in his birthday but when sasuke sees her he throws up last monday when i was naked sleepimg in my bedroom sakura came in by using a jutsu and take off her all clothes and she ask me to do s]ex and i wam it so we was so having fun.what do you fell huh sasuke did sakura ever did you that?
The final issue shows that Sakura and Sasuke got married and had a daughter.
Sasuke was mean to Sakura in the beginning because he thought she was annoying. But then Sakura started to show that she was not just any girl who likes a boy and Sasuke knew when he got used to her that she loved him and he was falling for her. when Sasuke was younger he was not thinking of girls he was thinking about his family and the hate for his brother and he still is but he is starting to fall for her.
there is a 100% possibility that sasuke will return to sakura. they were made to be together and they are really good at being more than friends. Sasuke says that " sakura and i are just friends". REALLY, SASUKE?!? because in eisode 5, you were buried underground with your head sticking out if a hole. who just happens to run by and see you laying there? SAKURA. when you got out of the hole, you were leaning yourself over sakura and staring at her. WHAT KIND OF "FREIND" DOES THAT? he loves her and everyone, except naruto and sakura, know it. SASUKE, IF YOU ARE ONLINE, HERE IS SOME ADVICE FOR YOU: JUST KISS HER ALREADY ;)
They don't if sakura got close to sasuke he would probably kill her IMPROVEMENT: they never do... even though Sakura was hung up on sasuke throughout the entire series, Sasuke is so consumed in his thirst for power that he actually nearly ended up killing her... however i am a sasusaku fan even if it might not happen :3
Naruto is not ended yet, but there is 429, and i dont think i can remember that they fighted.. Yet. But im not shure? ;D Sakura has not faught Sasuke yet. The last time that they were going to, Yamato got in the way.
sakura got surprise to see him and he came down and pull his sword and tried to slash naruto's head off.
Mostly not. Not only does Sasuke openly dislike Sakura but also: how common is it that the villain ends up with the heroine(Not that I am saying I ship anruSaku, because I ship SaiSAku)? It is so rare and improbable.----------------------------------There's a chance,At least, when they're child Sasuke do care to Sakura and sakura's obviously love Sasuke so much. But, there's a big chance that Sasuke will die at the end of the story so, there's no guarantee. But, if Sasuke don't die and got a girl, the most likely to be his girl is Sakura. About doesn't effect the chance, but hero with heroin is much more common and more boring -_-
actually there are many sasusaku moments, but it depends on what version, in the original naruto there was the time when sakura held sasuke, then she hugged him bringing his curse seal down and plenty of others. in shippuden there is barely any except if you notice, he hits everybody with chidori current except her.and also,at first,there are atleast more than 17 sasusaku moments,i counted,for me,chibi sasusaku is more romantic,there was first time,when sakura attempted to hug sasuke,poor guy freaked!and later,i suppose he kinda got used toit,after her hugging him when he fainted from haku's attacks,and to think sasuke injuring himself to get rid of fear by stabbing himself!for what?to rescue sakura!and carrying her bridalstyle,and also sakura putting him close when he got his cursemark,and also carrying her in bridalstyle when she fell fromgaara sand grains,and also sakura hugging him in the hospital,sasuke taking her hands as they escaped from the episode189,sasuke's paw encyclopaedia,and well,in a makebelieve basis,naruto disguised as sasuke sohe could kiss sakura is pretty cute,and alsoiruka sensei as sasuke when he asked sakura to go for a walk!and sakura beaming as she says"that means youcare about me,sasuke!"sasuke smirking and replies,"i guess so!"woooooohooooooo!and also there a lot more...........and also sasuke using sakura 's vision to relieve him of curse mark when he first fought with his opponent in chunnin exams is pretty suspicious ,dont you think?
No, nor she's even seen Sasuke yet. Come on people don't make your own story please Masashi-san will get upset.
well...if not sakura then who???? sakura is perfect for him and he knows it..hes just to into the itachi business to realize how much she loves him!!!..and btw he wants to restore his clan- how can you restore a clan?- the only way is to have kids!!! so he must get married to some1!!! .... anyways he already shows signs of his care for her!!!Your right, in order to reatore the clan, he must marry some1. But it wont b Sakura. Sasuke loves sakura as a sister, not as a soulmate. He shows signs of care for her b/c shes his teammmate! Not b/c he loves her! His soulmate could even be hinata 4 all we no now!Well, I hardly believe that it will be Hinata. It just makes sense for it to be Sakura, because she's the closest female that's ever got to him; apart from his mother. She's also the only girl he's let to be close to him; e.g. hugging. I don't believe that he loves her as a sister, either. That's not like Sasuke at all. Team-mate, maybe. But to be honest, his feelings for her are unknown. The series hasn't finished yet, but I say that Sakura is fit for Sasuke. Not Hinata, not Karin - not anyone.Uhm question why do you think Sakura is good for Sasuke. She has a low temper, a huge ego and all things that are like Sasuke which would make their relationship very angry if you ask me. And Sakura being the closest girl to Sasuke? Yes, I'll have to agree on that one but you're forgetting she is even closer to Naruto. And Naruto is the hero of the story and even if Hinata loves him, if your playing it by the "who should go together" thing it would only be right to put the main hero "Naruto" and heroine "Sakura" together. (btw, I'm not a SasuSaku or NaruSaku fan in particular but I do believe that NaruSaku is more likely ^^) I don't think Sakura and Sasuke are compatible at all really. They are both too violent and angry. Selfish and mean. it's just Sasuke is probably more mature when Sakura is just desperate. All in all, I believe in a non romantic way Sasuke and Naruto are the true couple. They are opposite (which do attract!!) friends and understand each other. How can you still say Sakura should come between that? xD
that is episode 109 and sakura did a terrible job doing that.she thought that she could talk sasuke on staying at the leaf village.but she mostly talked about her feelings for him and how she could make him happy.when sakura is finished talking,sasuke says," after all this time you are still annoying.(hint episode 3)then he starts to walk away and sakura says if you leave i will scream.which makes sasuke disappear behind her and says thank you, and then knocks her out.he puts her on the bench and leaves.that is the main part of episode 109. this episode we make you cry if you watch it in English.
Everyone who reads this is probably going to think im insane, but I hope Sakura and Sasuke get married or at least date because I am still a fan of SasuSaku or SasuKura because Sasuke and Sakura are like the perfect match!!! Well, I think they are at least. Sakura brings the good in Sasuke out and when he's around her he can control his ability.(Sorry I cant remember it all of a sudden.GRRRR!) Sakura just is in love with Sasuke and he has saved her so many times and Sakura has saved him a few times as well. To me it feels like they just seem like they need each other to be complete. Even though Sasuke seems like he needs no one, everyone needs that special someone, and to me it seems like Sakura is his special person and Sasuke is Sakuras special person, even though Sasuke acts tough.