Yes they should. I think if kids can be trusted not to copy the moves they see on tv it will be fine. Their parents should watch it with them. They can fast forward it at bad or scary parts.
Because, that's what happens in movies that small kids can watch. It happens in every G, PG, and sometimes PG-13 movies.
Yes you can. Just tell your parent to tell the ticket salesmen that you have permission to go see it and your good to go.
That is fully based on the kid, i am twelve myself and have watched a lot of R rated movies, played a lot of R rated games (like GTA and other shooters) and watched porn. Some children get nightmares of everything, most kids don't. I think those ratings are dumb, cause if you know the context of the movie, you can decide yourself if you are gonna watch it or not. I'm sure I'm never gonna watch movies like The Ring or The Grudge, i don't need ratings to know that.
There are many popular kids DVD movies. Some examples of kids DVD movies that are popular include any Disney movie, any Pixar movie, and several super hero movies such as "Spider Man".
i don't thing that horror movies are bad for kids as long as kids don't follow what the movie is expressing!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- I have watched horror movies ever since I was a young child. They are my preferred movie genre. I think as long as the child is old enough, or mentally capable enough to handle the movie and realize 'the scary monster isn't real' etc.. then there is nothing wrong with allowing a child to watch a horror movie. But it must be a child to child basis, all kids might not be okay with horror, while some are. Just like adults.
Everyone will have their own opinion of how old kids should be to watch R rated movies. In order to be admitted to theaters showing R rated movies, kids have to be 17. Parents, of course, can determine if their child can watch them at a younger age at home.
Kids should watch Jim Carry's movies because he is a Canadian and he is funny, but when kids grow up, they can watch Mike Myers movies who is a best Canadian comedian because Mike Myers makes inappropriate movies. So kids can watch Jim carry's funny movie which is appropriate movies for kids.
maybe some not that Villante movies like Spiderman homecoming but not r rated movies . kids' under 9 or 10 can watch some
yes ,sometimes Gremlins was made for kids and it's a horror film so yes. Some horror movies are made for kids.
I say all horror gore and bolld films should be banned and their producers banned as wellll\ Comrade Tim I dont think that horror films should be banned as you can learn what 'fear' is properly. Plus horror movies always spark a great plot for a story too.
A couple popular movies for kids were "Snow White" and "The Wizard of Oz"
at home
They are for kids that can't watch PG-13 movies
The best app to watch kids' movies is the UK TV app.
nope because their still kinda lil kids and it could be to scary