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As long as the child understands that it is only a movie, and not real. Then no, I do not think they are a bad influence to kids. I grew up watching Horror movies, and now they are one of my passions. I am a horror artist.

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14y ago
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13y ago

when kids that are under 10 watch scary movies they will have nightmares and mostly half of scary movies have sexual content which i wouldn't let my child watch it. If you wanna watch a scary movie you can watch Edward Sissor Hands GREAT MOVIE!!!! not too scary

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16y ago

it depends on the rating that the movie has and or the parent should watch the movie before so they decide if it is ok for there child or not

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12y ago

no but i depends if u think your kid can handle it or if they are mature for they're age

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13y ago

Yes if an adult approves it. I have been watching horror movies since I was 6.

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15y ago

Yes they should, kids love movies.

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12y ago

Because they might have nightmares.

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How is horror movies good for kids or how do horror movies NOT affect children?

i don't thing that horror movies are bad for kids as long as kids don't follow what the movie is expressing!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- I have watched horror movies ever since I was a young child. They are my preferred movie genre. I think as long as the child is old enough, or mentally capable enough to handle the movie and realize 'the scary monster isn't real' etc.. then there is nothing wrong with allowing a child to watch a horror movie. But it must be a child to child basis, all kids might not be okay with horror, while some are. Just like adults.

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How old should your kids be to watch R rated movies?

Everyone will have their own opinion of how old kids should be to watch R rated movies. In order to be admitted to theaters showing R rated movies, kids have to be 17. Parents, of course, can determine if their child can watch them at a younger age at home.

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Kids should watch Jim Carry's movies because he is a Canadian and he is funny, but when kids grow up, they can watch Mike Myers movies who is a best Canadian comedian because Mike Myers makes inappropriate movies. So kids can watch Jim carry's funny movie which is appropriate movies for kids.

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maybe some not that Villante movies like Spiderman homecoming but not r rated movies . kids' under 9 or 10 can watch some

Is scary movie the movie for kids?

yes ,sometimes Gremlins was made for kids and it's a horror film so yes. Some horror movies are made for kids.

Should horror movies be banned?

I say all horror gore and bolld films should be banned and their producers banned as wellll\ Comrade Tim I dont think that horror films should be banned as you can learn what 'fear' is properly. Plus horror movies always spark a great plot for a story too.

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A couple popular movies for kids were "Snow White" and "The Wizard of Oz"

Where can you watch kids movies free no downloads?

at home

Why do PG rated movies exist?

They are for kids that can't watch PG-13 movies

Best app to watch kids mouvie on iphone?

The best app to watch kids' movies is the UK TV app.

Teenagers should be able to watch rated r movies?

nope because their still kinda lil kids and it could be to scary