Fun Fun Fun
Oski Wee Wee!Oski Waa Waa!Holy Makinaw!Tigers! Eat'em Raw!Hamilton Tiger Cats Football cheerWon't tell you what an "Oski" is nor why he is going wee wee and waa waa.
you just stop going on wee world and your account will expire.
Pee Wee Herman
You mean wee wee.Example from Ramona Quimby Age 8:Willa Jean said,"and this is the Bruce who doesn't wee wee in the sandbox."Bruce looked pleased with himself.So wee wee means...Yeah,you should know(pee pee).
where you put the wee wee pads on your knickers and you wee wee into them its like a nappy
They sell knickers in target. But some of them dont have knickers
I have knickers on me.
who invented the knickers and why.
There is no specific collective noun for knickers (or for underwear), in which case a suitable general collective noun is used. Some examples are a display of knickers, a package of knickers, a drawer of knickers, etc. I've seen the term 'an embarrassment of underwear', so 'an embarrassment of knickers' will also work.
Culotte is the french word for 'knickers'.
The homophone for "knickers" is "nickers."
Cotton knickers don't make you perspire as much as man-made knickers, such as nylon.
No they didn't wear drawers (Knickers)
They are the samething but knickers are the U.K. word for panties.
in the current climate barbie knickers are advisable, but in the warmer weather only barbie knickers would be best. always make sure you dont have neopolitan barbie knickers in the village tho
Triumph International invented the Sloggi knickers back in 1979. Today, Sloggi has grown to become the best-selling brief in the world, selling knickers for both genders!