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The original is in the Musee d'Orsay, France

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Q: Why is there no info on Henry Lerolle's Shepherdess and Sheep?
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Where is the Model number on Henry rifle?

There is no one specific location for all models. Contact Henry Customer Service

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Go to A-Z vampire or look up Dawn Philip Henry.

Collection of sheep?

A group of sheep is called a flock. Sheep are social animals that tend to stick together for safety and companionship. Flocks of sheep are often supervised by a shepherd or sheepdog to ensure their well-being and guide them to grazing areas.

Why is the Cameroon sheep festival celebrated?

The Cameroon sheep festival is celebrated on Thursday 21 May 2009 (different date in 2010) and has its roots in the Christian festival of Ascension Day. It might be a contender for the most bizarre festival - there is a blog article at with more info on the Sheep Festival.

What movies were Henry winkler in?

night shift scream Please refer to the "related Link" section below for more info

Where can you find info about rare breeds of sheep in the UK?

You can find information about rare breeds of sheep in the UK from various sources such as the Rare Breeds Survival Trust website, local agricultural shows, breed societies, and farming publications. Additionally, visiting rare breed farms or contacting agricultural organizations can also provide valuable information on rare sheep breeds in the UK.

How is Henry VIII interesting?

Answer Judging by the questions on this site, the most interesting thing about him is his multiple marriages. Further info on the links below.

Do you have to have a license to own a sheep?

If you live in a rural area, no. But in a city environment where there are certain bylaws for owning small farm animals, perhaps, but you will have to go to the bylaw office of your city to get more info.

What country did King Henry VIII belong to?

England, he was born in Greenwich. If you need any more info, checl this out

How many colors can pugs be?

pugs can be 2 colors black or baje, if you want more info go to its a great website that is were we found our pug, henry!

Info on Henry Richards shot guns?

I have a Henry Richards hammerd double barrel shotgun. I had Cabela's in Michigan research it for me (they have a very extensive research library) and I was told that Henry Richards made guns in London England for one year 1856. Mine is a hand me down from my dad who received it from his dad who traded a mule for it.

Was there a maker of snow shoes in Loretteville Que by the name of Henry Ross Limited?

Yes, made canoes and paddles too, at Village Huron, Que, before fiberglass canoes came along. Search under canoes from that era for info on Henry Ross