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Q: Why is mother appalled when lily suggest she'd like to become a birthmother?
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Why does mother discourage lily from wanting an assignment as a birthmother in the giver?

Mother discourages Lily from wanting an assignment as a birthmother in "The Giver" because it is seen as a less desirable and less prestigious role in their society. Birthmothers are not given the same level of respect as other roles, and it is considered a lower status assignment. Additionally, birthmothers are usually only allowed to have three births before being assigned to less desirable work.

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Why would you quest for information on your birthmother when your adoptive mother has been so wonderful?

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When a child is born, they have a connection with their birthmother. Scientists say that babies can smell a scent, in which they recognize from their mother, the person who feds them breast milk.

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No but the god Hephaestus was. When he was born his mother Hera was appalled at his ugliness and threw him from Olympus, but as a god he survived but he was crippled.

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Gaea, mother of the titans, told Zeus how to overthrow the titans. She was appalled about how badly the titans were ruling the Earth.

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I wouldn't suggest it, being a single mother is extremely difficult. I'm a single mother myself. Having a man to help with the child is a blessing.

What job did mother think would fit Lily from the giver book?

In the book "The Giver," Lily's mother suggested that Lily would make a good birthmother because of her nurturing and caring personality. However, this suggestion was ultimately rejected as a possible career for Lily.

The giver - what assignment does Jonas mother claim holds very little honor?

Jonas's mother claims that the birthmother assignment holds very little honor. This is because birthmothers are considered to have lower status in the community, and their role is seen as less significant compared to other assignments.

Was alexander's mother a pagan?

There is no evidence to suggest this. Peace.

When kids become a crown ward does their mother become Queen Elizabeth?

Birth Mother cannot change.

Why did Mother Teresa decide to become a Catholic?

Mother Teresa did not decide to become a Catholic. She was born a Catholic.

In the book The Giver describe the Assignment of Birth mother What did lily's parents say about it?

In the book "The Giver," the Assignment of Birth Mother is when a young female is selected to bear children for the community. Lily's parents approved of the assignment, with her mother expressing pride in Lily's selection for this important role in the society. They saw it as a significant and honorable contribution to the community.