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Twilight is starting to be hated more on a daily basis, not because of the books of themselves, but because of the fans.

It's the author's writing style that really made the books only appeal to the 13+ female demographic. The fans themselves have taken the book extremely way too seriously, which is a bigger problem than one may think. The fans, screaming bloody murder about the characters, have become so enthralled with the books that it encompasses everyone around them.

The actors portraying the characters, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner; those names don't exist for them anymore. When people see or hear about them on the street, it's Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, and Jacob Black. They will forever be labeled as such, which is unfortunate.

People dislike Twilight, I would say, because of the profound immaturity of the main fan base.

Many people hate Twilight because of the fans. And yes it is unfair to the actors and actresses to be labeled by a role they play but what I think is unfair is people who don't like Twilight always making fun of it! If they hate it that much they should leave it alone!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

I think Twilight is so important to people because they all want the kind of boyfriend Bella has. They want a perfect, beautiful boyfriend who will love them even when they are a jerk. A boyfriend that will go through physical pain just to be with them. They know that they will never get a boyfriend like this, thus they read Twilight.

Well Im not i completely agree with you , the idea of have a boyfriend lie Edward its really beautiful and its a good reason to like twilight . I think that Twilight is so important because means true love , means a perfect life , Edward its the most important point in Twilight because without him it wont be the same . People like the idea of had a perfect life , and , for most of the teenager girls , Bellas live is perfect and they hope that this lives could be like that . The being of some problems make the history more real ; there are not the same problems but the idea its similar and it really promotes the success of the series.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It is very romantic for girls and very entertaining

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Shes an actor who is probably best known for her role in the movie Twilight and New Moon.

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