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Simon is doing community service for attempted arson. He tried to set fire to a childhood bully's house. He set a tissue on fire and put it through the letterbox. On realizing that an innocent cat was still in the house, he tried to put out the fire by urinating through the letterbox. Only to be caught by the bully's mother. He panicked and couldn't stop, thus doing community service.

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The benefits of that would be that you are doing something good for your community

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Some schools require community service and not doing it they may not graduate. If they have to do it by court order they can go to jail. The last consequence if not doing it would be not learning to care for others.

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Can you do jury service after doing community service?

Are you asking about a scheduling problem? If your community service conflicts with jury duty, you should speak with the organizer of the community service and request that your time slot be moved. You cannot ignore a jury duty summons.

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None because its a parade. You're not really doing a service.

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by helping around your community and by doing service to others

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Joining a club in highschool like keyclub and doing community service.

How do you get a scholership?

some times community service, winning contests, doing good in school, and writing essays