Because he is tall, dark (personality wise) and mysterious, plus he's played by Alan Rickman who is vury sexy himself.
The wand of Severus Snape is of unknown length, wood and core materials.
Snape was in love with Lily and so his patronus took the shape of hers.
It was never released what type of wand Snape used.
Severus Snape had a pure-blood mother and muggle father, making him a half-blood. Snape was the Half-Blood Prince.
the " snape, snape, severus snape, DUMBLEDORE!!" song is a youtube video. to see it type in, Potter Puppet Pals and The Mysterious Ticking Noise. there are also many more PPP (Potter Puppet Pals) videos but i cant name them all. :( sorry
Severus. I know a song Snape Snape Severus Snape! Found it online
No, Severus Snape died and never married.
Tobias Snape is Severus Snape's father.
Severus Snape
Snape Snape Severus Snape.
Severus Snape's father was a muggle and he always fought with Snape's mother. This led to Snape hating his father and therefore muggles. So he believed what Lord Voldemort believed and signed up to help him.
No. Severus Snape is a fictional character.
Severus Snape teaches Potions class.
No. Lord Voldemort killed Severus Snape's true love.
Severus Snape never has the Elder wand, nor was he ever its master.
The wand of Severus Snape is of unknown length, wood and core materials.