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The wand of Severus Snape is of unknown length, wood and core materials.

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Q: What kind of wand does severus snape have?
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Why did Severus Snape have the Elder wand?

Severus Snape never has the Elder wand, nor was he ever its master.

What is Severus Snape's wand core?

It was never released what type of wand Snape used.

What happen to severus snape?

Severus Snape is murdered by Voldermort (his snake, Nagini, actually), when he thinks Snape is the true owner of the Elder Wand. He shows Harry in his last moments all of his most percious memories.

Why does Voldemort want nagini to kill severus snape?

He wants to kill him so he could be the "master of the elder wand" (except for the fact that Snape was not ever the master of the elder wand....)

What would be your wand if you were to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry?

The same as Harry Potter's or Severus Snape's.

Will hermoine granger save severus snape from death?

No. Snape dies from Nagini's bite to his neck. Volodemort sends the snake on Snape in attempt to become master of the Elder Wand.

What is Snape's first name?

Severus. I know a song Snape Snape Severus Snape! Found it online

Who delivered the death blow to Severus Snape?

Voldemort, obsessed with becoming the master of the Elder Wand, ordered Nagini, his serpent, to kill Snape who he (Voldemort) thought was the master of the wand. Because the Elder Wand gives his allegiance to the one who killed its master, Voldemort thought he had to kill Snape to become the true master.

Why did Lord Voldemort want to kill Severus Snape?

Lord Voldemort believes that Snape is the true master of the Elder Wand because Snape killed Dumbledore. In order to gain the wand's allegiance, he kills Snape. However, Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore before that, so Snape had never been the true master.

Why was Severus Snape killed by a Willow in Harry Potter?

Severus Snape was killed by a Snake, not a Willow which is a type of Spider. You may have confused this with the location of his death which was inside the Whomping Willow. He was killed because Voldemort believed that he was the master of the Elder wand and until the correct master had been beaten the wand wouldn't function properly for Voldemort.

Will Severus Snape ever marry?

No, Severus Snape died and never married.

What was the outcome with severus snape?

Nagini killed him, under Voldemort's orders. He was killed because Voldemort thought that Snape was the master of the Elder wand, and by killing him, he would be the master; however, this was not the case.