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Do All Men Not Like To Kiss While Being Intimate?No, most men kiss a woman on various parts of her body to excite her (it's called foreplay) and also generally French kissing. For a man to not kiss a woman during foreplay or part of the sex act he may have a problem. Not all men (no matter what age) are experienced in sex. Anyone can have sex, but not all people can have great sex. Communication is of key importance with your partner and you should discuss this with him.

depending on age as i see in category teendating. young men dnt have the longevity as adult men do. being young male his hormones already been firing for a while and foreplay isn't a nessasity as it would be for young woman. if u find that is being repeated and no solution is coming. forplay for yourself in private may help or talk to your partner about it. telling him u need this time to be turned on. in turn hell see that the end result is better when u wait a little.

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There are many cultures where straight men do kiss in a non-sexual manner. Western societies such as those in the USA, Australia, and some European countries have a problem with it because they associate everything with sex.

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Q: Why don't men like to kiss when being intimate?
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What do you like to do when your intimate with someone?

Do just that- be intimate: Kiss, hug, snuggle/cuddle ... and eventually making love...

What is a kiss like?

It should be an intimate moment between the kissers! It's like another connection.

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Well if you like him kiss him back (unless ur notready for it) if not explain to him that you dont feel that way about him but you would still like to be friends with him. If you do like him but your not ready for it then just say for the time being, i dont think i am ready for this. Also if your friends have either gone out with him or like him DONT KISS HIM (unless you check with ur friends before hand.

How do you tell a boy loves you and is going to kiss you?

i dont wanna do that so i think you should kiss him back if you like him but if you dont like him dont make the moment awkerd just say that " i dont really wanna kiss you" or while hes trying to kiss just say" what are you doing" you may make him feel embarresed but no one want to kiss boys they dont like

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If they dared you to kiss him, then do it if you want. If you dont feel comfortable with that dare because you don't like him then don't do it. You dont have to do anything you dont want to. If you choose to do the dare then you dont have to kiss him again. Explain it was a dare and you do not have any feelings for him in that way and he will understand :)

In which episode do Lilly and Oliver kiss?

The episode is What I dont Like About You

What if you want to kiss someone because you really like them?

then do it dont be shy bc either they like you or they dont but the first kiss should always be closed mouth and the guy should start it

Do parakeets look like they are pecking when they kiss?

Maybe, i dont think they kiss at all.I think they mate though.:)

U should kiss with people around or would it be better to kiss alone?

if you dont like PDA then i would kiss alone, but if you dont mind if people see you kiss and all then go ahead and do it with people around. But it is whatever you are most comftorable with.. (^_^)

How do you get the boy you like to kiss you?

If he likes you and your dating ask. If you two dont go out then ask if he wants to be your boyfriend then like a week in, ask if you two can kiss.

What type of body language do you give a guy to say you like them?

High five for friend like,a hug for boyfriend like,and a kiss for love but dont kiss until you are positive that you love him and you two dont show any sign of breakup.

What do i say if a boy that i like says can i kiss you on the cheek?

you say yes if you like him if you dont say NO