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Peeta paints the arena and she doesn't want to be reminded of them because she sees them every night and she would rather forget.

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It reminds her of the games.

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Q: Why doesnt katniss like Peetas paintings?
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What does katniss realize about peetas actions in the game?

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Katnis feels like she is a hero and she loved Peet’s

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What is peetas condition of peetas hands?

In the movie nothing happens to his hands. In the book Katniss pushes him after the interview (just like in the movie). An urn is broken during the altercation, and Peeta's hands are cut by the shards of the broken urn. They need medical attention. This happens the night before the games begin.

What is a description of President Snow in Catching Fire?

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Why did Katniss get laughed at in Catching Fire?

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How does Katniss believe Gale would respond to her score?

there's no reaction. there's no big climax of who katniss chooses, which I think the book really missed on, it just says that gale leaves to go to district 2 but katniss wouldve chosen peeta anyway because katniss said her and gale were too much alike and she didn't need someone else with fire in them, she needed someone like peeta. also, it was a bomb gale made that killed her sister prim and even though he wasn't directly involved in the bombing , katniss just could t look at him the same way. and plus, peetas way sweeter.

What celebrity acts like Katniss?

Jennifer Lawerence is Katniss!

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Katniss doesn't like Cinna, but still admires his work and is close friends with him. The two people Katniss can't decide over are Peeta and Gale.

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What was Katniss like at the beginning of the book?

Katniss was known as brave and strong, which she could hunt and shoot!

What was Katniss named after?

Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."