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According to the book, it tastes something like a potato.

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Q: What does a katniss plant taste like?
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What was Katniss named after?

Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."

Is there a plant called Katniss?

Yes, there is really a plant called the katniss.

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it tastes exactly like any other plant because of the photocyclosis theory which alters the taste your brain makes when eating a plant.

What is Katniss in the Hunger Games?

Katniss is A) the main character B) A plant

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It tastes like mint.

What is the name Katniss derived from in hunger games?

Katniss root which is a plant that grows underwater

Where would you find a Katniss flower?

In real life, there is no such thing. In the books, a katniss plant is an aquatic plant that grows around District 12.

What is the historical meaning of the word katniss?

A plant root, or the main protagonist in the Hunger Games series.

When does the Katniss plant grow?

Near/under water

Who was Katniss named after in The Hunger Games?

An edible plant.

What does the Katniss plant symbolize in the hunger games?

In the first book Katniss' Father tells her "You can survive as long as you can find your self." He was talking about the plant but it has a deeper meaning. It is saying once Katniss found herself (The Mockingjay) she defeated the Capitol, thus in a way "surviving."

What does the word Katniss means?

Katniss was named after an edible plant called "Katniss". Katniss mentions that she and her father used to go out in the woods and collect Katniss plants. He used to joke, "Find yourself and you'll never go hungry."