only charlie (bellas dad) know that she is a vampire but that is not untill after she has renesmee and renee thinks she is sick (her mom)
Bella names her daughter Renesmee [After her mother: Renee, and Edward's mother for all intents and purposes: Esme].
your mom but she got it 26 times and it still doesnt work
Your mom. BOOSH!
I Would actually say..Mom just bc The Game is M for Mature doesnt mean im not. Im Six(teen) now and trust me I wouldnt let the games influence me..=) Good Luck.
Renesmee is bella and edwards daughter. She is named after bellas mom and Edwards "mom" by using a combination of their names.
dun Dun DUN Call her cell.
only charlie (bellas dad) know that she is a vampire but that is not untill after she has renesmee and renee thinks she is sick (her mom)
because they think bad peolpe would come and kidnap you. i think thats why your mom doesnt let you have a facebook;)
Bella's mom, Renée, lives in Jacksonville, Florida in the "Twilight" series.
His mom doesnt have cancer
Is itnreally that complicated it means the mom doesnt trust him but the dad does
sunday best :)
No he doesnt
MFF Mom Friends Forever - 2012 Graduation Day 1-3 was released on: USA: 3 October 2012
Your mom loves work:) Your mom loves work:) your mom doesnt neccasarily love work she just has to do it my mummy doesnt like work because she doesnt get paid enough :( thats really sad. FML i love my mummy <3
The cast of Morti - 2012 includes: Andres Bellas as Dad Anton Etxeita as Morti Charo Pena as Mom