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Generally speaking, in the manga: Tohru and Kyo love each other

In the anime; there is a love triangle between Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru

Tohru likes kyo because he's kind and gentle with her. He also has a dark past but stays strong.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because Tohru accepts him and no one else really loved him

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Q: Why does tohru love kyo?
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Does kyo give tohru the hat?

no.yuki does. yuki piks up kyo's hat and wears it, then gives it to tohru after he helps her coz its not his and kyo doesn't want it bak coz he hates yuki.

Does yuki love tohru?

Of course, but not in that way. She loves Kyo. And Kyo loves her, and they get married, it doesn't show, but it is obvious, because you see them together in the end, and it shows their granddaughter. (And it doesn't say for sure, but I'm guessing the woman shown is their son's wife, because it shows in the middle Kyo with a son that looks just like him "Kyo will make a great father" it said) And Yuki ends up with Machi, the girl from the student council. Yuki, however, loves Tohru too, but as a mother. Because she has always been the mother like figure to him. And Tohru loves a brother you could say. But not as a boyfriend or whatever. She loves Kyo that way.

Who does tohru end up with?

Tohru ends up with Kyo Sohma, and Yuki ends up with Machi! -^o^-

Why do tohru choose kyo instead of yuki?

Because she was in love with Kyo, of course. Yuki loved her, but saw her in a Motherly way. He said so himself to... Damn, can't remember his name. The boy in the School Council with Yuki.

Who does shigure sohma fall in love with?

Yuki falls in love with a girl he met from the student council her name is Machi. T.T It broke my heart. ----- Yeah, me too. I always thought Yuki and Tohru were perfect for each other. I got really sad and angry when Tohru told Kyo she loved him. ----- that is soo true!! i really wanted Tohru to be with Yuki and Kagura to be with Kyo because Kagura accepted him and forced her self to love Kyo and Yuki and Tohru are so cute together :3. Kyo attitude is angry and doesn't match with Tohru's kind and clumsy ----- D': THIS MAKES ME SAD. Yuki falls in love with... Machi. >_< I was REALLY looking forward to him loving Thoru!! Dx breaks my heart... *crawls into a corner, sobbing* I think that Yuki did in fact fall in love with Tohru but when he found out that she loved Kyo he accepted it and kinda gave up on Tohru. But then later he fell in love with Machi too. And i think that Machi and Yuki are perfect for each other and so is Kyo and Tohru :)

Related questions

Why does kyo kiss tohru?

Kyo kisses Tohru because he is in love with her.

In the end of the fruits basket who is the little girl?

The little girl at the end of Fruits Basket is Tohru and Kyo's daughter, who is named after Tohru's mother, Kyoko. She is shown to have inherited characteristics from both of her parents, along with a love for the cat zodiac that Kyo represents.

Who does Tohru Honda like Kyo or Yuki Sohma?

Tohru likes kyo

Does kagura envy tohru in fruits basket?

In the beginning of the series Kagura does somewhat envy Tohru. Tohru is always near Kyo and does his chores. A thing she wants to do because she wants to marry him. But she isn't really jealous because Kyo doesn't love Tohru. (choco calico): Ah, but in the manga...Kagura IS indeed jealous, and rightfully so since Kyo and Tohru do have feelings for each other. But Kagura seems to accept that Kyo can never really love her the way she wants Kyo to (and the way she loves Kyo), although it is much harder for her to accept that Tohru is the one Kyo chose. Also, it is a bit wrong to say that in the anime Kagura was only a litte jealous of Tohru when they first met since, in the episode where Tohru discovers Kyo's "true form", Kagura sees her chase after Kyo. Certainly Tohru shows a higher level of concern than simply "mothering love" there and Kagura doesn't appear after that either (so she is probably jealous).

In what episode does kyo and tohru fall in love?

In the anime, Kyo and Tohru don't end up falling in love, he only dramatically hugs her in the 26th episode. But the 26th episode only goes up to the beginning of the 6th manga. And the anime changes it up a bit. But in the manga, Tohru falls in love with Kyo in the 20th manga, and tells him in the 21st manga, and he kisses her when she's unconscious, and then he tells her he loves her in the 22nd manga and they kiss.

Whats the name of tohru and kyo's daughter i was hoping kyoko?

Tohru and Kyo's daughter is named Hajime, not Kyoko.

How did kyo know tohru mom?

kyo was just a kid when he met kyoko (tohru's mom) when she went home from work. kyo later helps her find tohru who got lost

In fruits basket is there ever a seen tohru and kyo playing together as children?

Kyo and Tohru didn't know each other as children, though Kyo knew Kyoko who told him about Tohru.

Does momijii love tohru?

Momiji has deep feelings of admiration and fondness for Tohru, but it's more of a nurturing and protective kind of love rather than romantic. Momiji cares for Tohru like a sister and values their friendship and bond.

Does Tohru love Kyo?

Yes! I think its very clear in the manga, though not as much in the anime.

Was yuki sad when tohru picked kyo?

Yes, Yuki felt a mix of sadness and relief when Tohru picked Kyo because he understood their strong bond and saw that they truly cared for each other. Yuki ultimately supported Tohru's decision and found his own path to happiness outside of a romantic relationship with her.

What are some Fruits Basket manga Spoilers?

akito is a girl shigure likes akito kyo ends up with tohru tohru falls off a cliff tohru and kyo gets married yuki and machi end up together kyo and tohru have a son momji used to like tohru but knows it's impossible to separate kyo and tohru's love for each other. hatori's left eye is damaged because of akito everyone is paired up with someone except momji and kagura saki hanajima and kazuma are together arisa uotani and kureno are togethor yuki thanks tohru as a mother kyo has 3 forms :human, cat, and a "monster" curse breaks machi's dad was in the car that hit tohru's mom, and he died instantly. kyo could have stopped tohru's mom's death