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Because the writers of Family Guy realised how weak and boring a character Cleveland was in Family Guy, thus deciding to take him off, at which point someone in the Family Guy board room saw giant money signs and suggested giving him a spin-off. The originally-titled The Cleveland Show was born (otherwise known as Family Guy without the brilliance of little Stewie) - a grating imitation of the Family Guy characters (jerk of a dad given lines you would hear coming out of Peter Griffin's mouth, attractive mother who isn't treated well by the dad, teenage daughter, stupid fat son and intelligent baby boy) and a grating imitation of the Family Guy jokes, cutaways and storylines.

And now Family Guy gets to suffer by having less time spent on it because Seth MacFarlane and his team have anotheranimated sit"com" about a family to make episodes for. Gosh, what a smart move The Cleveland Show was.

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