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Music changes because it is an artform and form of entertainment constantly developed and redeveloped by creative people. Traders, travellers, immigrants and invaders brought their music to other parts of the world before recorded history, and so, like language, clothing, cooking styles, and other cultural adaptations, music changed: the best of the old was retained and the best of the new adopted. This process continues today. Popular music, new music and Classical Music can arouse antagonism from those who believe everything should stay the same, but art - and life - doesn't work that way. Some of the most famous and accomplished composers were laughed at when they tried new methods of composition and performance. Look up classical composers such as Stravinsky and Bizet (both of whom had audiences walk out in disgust at new works which are now hugely popular), or popular musicians such as Elvis and The Beatles (both of whom attracted great criticism from those who maintained they were a bad influence on young people). Music will always change, and all the small minds and prejudice in the world cannot stop it. The pipe band of my own cultural association includes many instruments that aren't pipes or drums, such as the didgeridoo, guitar, bouzouki, and so on, and the pipers frequently play - apart from traditional music - popular music and even television and movie themes. Most newcomers love it! Those who don't are free not to listen, or to go to another part of the Club. We should celebrate those musicians who have the imagination, creativity and courage to do what seems right to them, because without change in music we'd still be banging a stick on a tree trunk or rock.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are lots of possible reasons.

Advancements in communication and recording technology in the 20th century have allowed musicians to hear a much wider variety of music than people in past centuries. This may have lead to musical innovations and because musicians can combine many different styles to create new kinds of music. Whereas a banjo player in the late 1800s in Kentucky may have only ever heard the mountain music played by his family and his neighbors, a guy with a banjo and an Internet connection today could copy the styles of Bach, Van Halen, Bela Fleck, Metallica and Lady Gaga without ever leaving his house.

Also, advancements in musical instrument technology have allowed manipulation of sound in many different ways that were never even dreamed of in the past. The same late 1800s Kentucky banjo player may have only ever owned one instrument. Today, because of manufacturing technology, the relative price of instruments have come way down, allowing musicians to afford to buy and learn many different instruments.

Perhaps even more important is the development of electronic tools and instruments for making music. In the past if a musician wanted to play music and be accompanied by many instruments, he would need to have a band. Bands are expensive and unwieldy things that don't lend themselves to convenience. In the latter part of the 20th century, it became pretty easy for one musician to record himself playing all the instruments in a large band. This streamlined the music making process, thus freeing the imagination of artists to do almost anything.

Even the need for playing actual instruments was reduced in the latter part of the 20th century. Drum machines, and MIDI made it possible for musicians to create songs without ever plucking a string or blowing in to a horn.

One other possible aspect for the increasing rate of change in music is the explosion of inspiration and topics to write music about. The 20th century was without a doubt the most eventful century in human history (at least that are currently aware of). Wars, famine, depression, genocide, redemption, innovation, Immigration, assassination, revolution, interconnectivity, and intellectual advancement all happened at a rate unimaginable to people who lived in previous centuries. That's a lot to write about.

Finally, most musical innovation in the 20th century occurred in the US where the strong economy allowed for society to support many more professional musicians than was ever previously possible.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Modern technology (internet) has changed the music industry massively over the years. No longer do you have to buy something in a shop, you can simply go online, type in the music you want and will give you a list of things that you can do with this. For example: you can simply purchase a CD or even a single song on a site, with an online music retailer then, download it to the PC, phone, or MP3 player. There's so much that you can do with the internet and music nowadays.

A bad thing is that, on the internet there are so many illegal downloading music sites; so if a new single or album is coming out, you could illegally download it to your PC, MP3, etc. This is bringing sale prices down.

Another good thing is, that it is a lot easier for artists to self-promote and self-release many things (to do with music) online, all because of advertising and promotion online. Artists, now, can also produce (make) music online, instead of creating it by themselves. Many people download music sites, so that they can create their own music, here is an example of one of these sites: "Cubase".

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βˆ™ 15y ago

I think music has changed over types like in bites and all kinds of different sound! I it will keep on changing over times!

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βˆ™ 17y ago

Modern Advancements in technology offer artist's a more broad selection of technique in which music is preformed and wrighten.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

it has changed pianos to records to tapes to Cd's with different types of music and sound

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βˆ™ 16y ago

because someone got a brilliant idea and it became famouse.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes it has. music you write yourself has a bit of your personality in it. so if over the years if your personality changes so does the song.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes. Completely.

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