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It was merely a fashion statement. Asking why an idol wears a certain type of clothing is a bit...

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Q: Why does kamenashi kazuya wear a skull ring?
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What does Nico Di Angelo wear?

He usually wears a skull shirt, an aviator jacket, a silver skull ring Bianca gave him, a chain for belt, his sword at his side and of course jeans and sneakers

Can you wear a skull cap under your helmet?

Yes you can wear a skull cap under a ski helmet.

Should Christians wear skull and crossbones?

No christians should not wear , the skull and crossbones as they are the sign of the pirates. robbers at sea.

Which fingure shall i wear dimond ring?

You can wear a diamond ring on any of your fingers. If it is an engagement ring, you would wear it on your left ring finger, the finger next to the pinky.

What jewelry can you wear on your fingers?

A ring.

What is a toe ring?

a ring you wear on your toe

How do you wear a cameo ring?

You should wear your cameo ring right side up ^_^

What is a homophone for what you wear on your finger?

A homophone for what you wear on your finger is "ring."

Why does Joel Courtney always wear that ring?

because his brother's wear the ring, and he thinks its cool. its like a family ring.

Why does cubone wear a skull?

INTERESTING FACT actually: cubone is actually kangaskhan's baby. when the kangaskhan dies, the baby wear's it's skull, and holds one of her bones. thats why cubone wears a skull. pretty sad right?

Which finger does one wear a 25th anniversary ring?

You wear it on your left hand ring finger.

Why do some wear their wedding ring on their right hand?

AnswerSome people wear wedding rings on their right hand but are not married. for example, I wear a wedding ring on my right hand because it was my grandmother's ring, I inherited it when she passed away, and I want to wear it because it was a very special ring to her and my grandmother and I were very close. Some people think I am married because I have the ring on my right ring finger but the proper place for a wedding ring is on the left ring finger when married.There is no law that says you have to wear a ring nor, if you choose to, where you have to wear it. It is merely a convention.