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Q: Why does Jack decide he's 'not going to play any longer' with Ralph and the rest of the boys?
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Who said I'm not going to play any longer not with you in Lord of the Flies?

Jack made that statement when his call for a vote of no confidence in Ralph's leadership was ignored by the rest of the boys.

What do Ralph and jack decide to do after the twins reported seeing the beast?

they went after the beast but jack decide to forget the beast and play rolling rock

Explain the exchange of power at the beginning of chapter 8 in lord of the flies?

Jack accuses Ralph of not being fit to be the leader and asks the boys if they want Jack fired as chief, but no one responds to him. He runs off crying and saying that he is no longer going to be part of Ralph's group.

What do the boys vote on in chapter 5 of lord of the flies?

After Ralph, Jack and Riger returned from seeing the "beast" on top of the mountain Jack called a meeting and accused Ralph of calling his hunters cowards which was a lie. He then held the conch against his chest and asked, "Who thinks Ralph oughtn't to be chief?" The assembled boys remained silent and Jack asked again, "Hand's up... Whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?" the silence continued until Jack eventually put the conch carefully down and left, saying "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you. I'm not going to be part of Ralph's lot___" So the simple answer to your question is that Jack called for a vote of no confidence in Ralph and lost.

How can you be sure jack is no longer playing a game?

Well you could take his word for it. In chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness just before Jack walked away from the meeting he said, and I quote... "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you."

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Which three boys decide to go up to the mountain and what do the other boys do Lord of the Flies?

One of the first things that they decide on it that Ralph should be their chief. Ralph then appoints Jack to be in charge of the former choir and asks him to decide what they should be. Jack decides that they should be hunters. Finally Ralph says that they need to decide if they are on an island or not. He then chooses to take Jack and Simon with him on an expedition to find out.

Who said I'm not going to play any longer not with you in Lord of the Flies?

Jack made that statement when his call for a vote of no confidence in Ralph's leadership was ignored by the rest of the boys.

What three boys decide head up the mountain?


What do Ralph and jack decide to do after the twins reported seeing the beast?

they went after the beast but jack decide to forget the beast and play rolling rock

Why do Ralph and Jack decide to go find the beast?

Ralph and Jack decide to find the beast to prove their leadership and survival skills to the other boys. They believe that by confronting and defeating the beast, they can restore a sense of order and control over the group.

Why did roger decide to go up the mountain with jack and Ralph in lord of the flies?

Roger initially decides to go up the mountain with Jack and Ralph in "Lord of the Flies" because he is a member of Jack's tribe and follows his orders. However, Roger's true motivation for going up the mountain is to partake in the ritualistic hunt and violence that Jack promotes, satisfying his sadistic tendencies.

Explain the exchange of power at the beginning of chapter 8 in lord of the flies?

Jack accuses Ralph of not being fit to be the leader and asks the boys if they want Jack fired as chief, but no one responds to him. He runs off crying and saying that he is no longer going to be part of Ralph's group.

In lord of the flies chapter6 why does Ralph and jack both insist on going after the beast?

Ralph and Jack both insist on going after the beast in order to prove their bravery and demonstrate their leadership to the other boys. They are also motivated by the fear of the unknown and the need to confront and defeat the source of that fear.

What course of action does Ralph take when he learns that jack plans to kill him?

ralph never knew that he was going to get killed

What do the boys vote on in chapter 5 of lord of the flies?

After Ralph, Jack and Riger returned from seeing the "beast" on top of the mountain Jack called a meeting and accused Ralph of calling his hunters cowards which was a lie. He then held the conch against his chest and asked, "Who thinks Ralph oughtn't to be chief?" The assembled boys remained silent and Jack asked again, "Hand's up... Whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?" the silence continued until Jack eventually put the conch carefully down and left, saying "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you. I'm not going to be part of Ralph's lot___" So the simple answer to your question is that Jack called for a vote of no confidence in Ralph and lost.

How can you be sure jack is no longer playing a game?

Well you could take his word for it. In chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness just before Jack walked away from the meeting he said, and I quote... "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you."

What childish thing does jack say when the vote doesn't go his way in lord of the flies?

Ralph doesn't say anything childish after the vote doesn't go his way. The main reason for this is that it was Jack who called for a vote of no confidence in Ralph's leadership. He called on the rest of the boys to raise their hands if they didn't want Ralph to be leader any more and none of them moved a muscle. Jack then said, "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you." He walked off alone.