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Jack accuses Ralph of not being fit to be the leader and asks the boys if they want Jack fired as chief, but no one responds to him. He runs off crying and saying that he is no longer going to be part of Ralph's group.

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Q: Explain the exchange of power at the beginning of chapter 8 in lord of the flies?
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In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the groups separate in Chapter 8 when Jack and his followers split from Ralph's group to form their own tribe. This marks the beginning of the escalating conflict between the two groups on the island.

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In the beginning of Chapter 5 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph speculates about the whereabouts of the littluns and the possible reasons for their disappearing during the night. He wonders if they could be playing or hiding. He also considers the potential dangers on the island at night that may have caused them to wander off.

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In the beginning of chapter 10 in "Lord of the Flies," Sam and Eric were tending to the signal fire on the mountain. They were responsible for keeping the fire burning so that passing ships or planes might see the smoke and rescue them.

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Page 84 is in Chapter 5 of "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

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The title of chapter three in Lord of the Flies is "Huts on the Beach."

In chapter 8 of lord of the flies as Ralph considers the need to reassign fire keepers what does he realize?

In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph considers the need to reassign fire keepers and realizes that the other boys do not really understand the importance of the fire. He realizes that no matter how he tries to explain it, they will be more concerned with Jack's hunting group.

What chapter is Ralph made chief in Lord of the flies?

Ralph is made chief in Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

What kind of picture could you draw for chapter 5 of Lord of the Flies?
