because they do what they want!!!!!!!!! because they do what they want!!!!!!!!!
If i were Justin Bieber i would DEFINITELY Like iCarly I like so why shouldn't he?
I don't think so
I'm not so shore but if you go to icarly wiki 508 you will see a pic of Carly sam and freddie but sams hair is up so it mite be she sister
Yes, it's gubby , he is showed on the icarly special I physco
it's really quite popular. I know a lot of people that think it is funny. Elementary girls, middle school girls, it's an all ages show! And i am the #1 icarly fan. It's so funny and Miranda rox!
i am such a big Fred of fan and he has already been in an episode of icarly where they meet him and he stops making Fred videos because of icarly and everyone starts to hate icarly so they meet up with him and he says that he made i Carly and his Fred videos more popular an he doesnt really stop making Fred videos its my fav episode of icarly im obsesses with Fred and lucas cruikshank
to become an actor on icarly you have to submit videos so that they can see if you are good actor. wrong actually you need to be in a showcast.
Very few so if you want one you have to search hard
No but there are extras like, Wake up Spencer, what am I sitting on, I crush it, I have a question, Random debates, and some others. But you really should watch them they are hilarious! especially wake up Spencer
25 episodes and 3 Seasons
Their web show is called iCarly so they call her iCarly because of the show.
iCarly was created by Dan Schneider so i guess that's who.
iCarly's biggest fan is Nora Dershlit because she is so obsessed with iCarly. Another obsessed fan of iCarly is Mandy Valdez
He has 113 Youtube videos, so far.
iCarly takes place in Seattle, Washington. So... No.
if it is a name it doesnt always have to change language so ..icarly.
It is not cheap!