It is explained in a cut-away scene typical of a Family Guy episode that Cleveland was once a auctioneer, and when one of the artifacts feel it hit him and he started talking slow.
Get a concussion.
No his last name is Cleveland
Cleveland Brown
Chris Faulk is number 70 on the Cleveland Browns.
I was thinking the same thing. Not movies that take place or were filmed in Cleveland but just an off-hand mention. Is there a list? Bad Boys - Marcus says he is getting sent to Cleveland Dark Knight Rises - Gordon's wife took his kids to Cleveland Buffy - Cleveland has a Hellmouth Superman 3 - mentions missed connection to Cleveland
Get a concussion.
Cleveland Magazine is a regional publication in which issues and elementss unique to Cleveland, Ohio and her surrounding suburbs are discussed.
yes but he doesnt have one
You want to talk to some at the Cleveland Regional Loan Center. the link is; . You can speak with any real estate agent or mortgage banker. You canb also contact Contact the Cleveland Regional Loan Center: 1(800)729-5772
Just keep your cool, and talk about something your partner enjoys.
They were raised that way.
You just take it slow.
No, they talk at a normal speed, but they may not remain on a given topic that you are trying to discuss with them.
Slow of course Its so simple anybody knows that. anybody needs help with that question tell them OK this is Demtrio signing off.
perhaps you are,honey slow down everything in your life and talk to him,tell him. he want to help.let him
It's another way to say 'think before you speak'.
You talk to the person immediatly and tell them that you would like to slow down, you can't let it keep going if you want it to last.