Courageous, excitable, honest, kind, well-intentioned, clever, self-doubting, resourceful, diminutive, timid, polite, heroic, clumsy, comical, good-humored, sensible, generous, humble, bumbling, adventurous, simple
He rescues the dwarves from the Spiders.
He rescues the dwarves from the Elvin King's dungeon.
The Took genes, huh? Well they created in Bilbo a certain sense of curiousity, and a love of adventure. It was that sense of adventure that finally got Bilbo to go along with the dwarves on their journey to Smaug's Mountain.
The bravest thing Bilbo did was to slide down into Smaug's cave.
When? At the beginning, Gandalf the Grey chats to Bilbo saying he is looking for someone to go on an adventure. Bilbo, being timid at the start, is a little rude to Gandalf, but invites him to afternoon tea. Gandalf laughs and with his staff marks the front door "burglar for hire, etc". Later a knock on the door and after a while 13 dwarfs and Gandalf are in Bilbo's Bag End residence: Dwalin, Balin, Fili, Kili, Gloin, Oin, Ori, Nori, Dori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin Oakenshield. During the adventure Bilbo is separated numerous times from the dwarfs, and aids them in their escapades with his new found confidence and bravery and his magical ring.
Because Bilbo wanted to sneak away from the camp to go see the Dale men, and he wanted to do it in secret.
bilbos greatist fear is somewhere in the book u just need to read it so read it aha
They asked them to go along and their adventure as their burglar.
The Took genes, huh? Well they created in Bilbo a certain sense of curiousity, and a love of adventure. It was that sense of adventure that finally got Bilbo to go along with the dwarves on their journey to Smaug's Mountain.
As much as he dreaded it, his "Tookish side" kicked in and he wanted to go.
If it is in the Hobbit, it is to get Bilbo started on his adventure. If it is in the Fellowship of the Ring it is to have the ring returned to the mountain to be destroyed.
a share of the gold
Bilbo's job on the adventure was to act as the burglar, using his stealth and hobbit-like abilities to help the dwarves on their quest to reclaim their kingdom and treasure from the dragon Smaug.
Thorin Oakenshield, or Gandalf, depending on your perspective.
The time gap between Bilbo leaving the Shire and Frodo leaving on his own adventure was about 17 years.
It clearly shows that they are serious about the adventure and that it would be dangerous. They agreed to give Bilbo one 14th of the haul and to cover any funeral expenses if needed.
They were discussing all that had happened in the goblin tunnels, and debating what they were to do now. Gandalf was saying that they could not possibly go on without trying to rescue Bilbo, and the dwarves did not want to.
Bilbo is hired by 13 dwarves as a thief or burglar, as well as to make the party 14 rather than 13.
It is about Bilbo Baggin's adventure which happens before the Lord of the Rings books.